Ten Things You Never Knew About May

Aug 23, 2008 00:18

... I kind of want to do this for all of the muses after I saw this floating around. XD;; Since it's been awhile since I've written anything. But May's first because djffdkjfdgg there have to be reasons behind some of her quirks. Really.

... Then again, it is Guilty Gear, so. XD


1.) May remembers absolutely nothing about her past. Not who her parents were, not what they looked like, not who (or what) she was before Johnny found her, not a single thing.

All she remembers is the man who had knelt in front of the trembling child, holding out a large hand, and the very first thing he said to her.

("Non, non, a little princess should not be shivering on the ground! From now on, you'll be breathing the air of higher places, hm?")

The next thing he said was her new name and she's been May ever since. It's hardly a wonder that Johnny is everything to her.

2.) Despite not being able to remember anything, May's body holds memories of its own. To this day, she still doesn't understand why bald people yield such a terrified response from her, or how she can tell they're bald at all when sometimes she doesn't even see their heads. All she knows is that when one is close, she gets a chill, her heart begins an erratic beat, and every nerve in her body is screaming at her to run away as far as possible. Never once has it occurred to her that there might be a deeper, underlying cause to this phobia other than just not liking bald people.

3.) May was five when Johnny took her to town to pick out her birthday present.

He knew his initial suspicion about her had been right when the little girl not only turned down teddy bears and lollipops in favor of a giant anchor lying abandoned on a dock-- but then proceeded to easily carry the thing back to the ship when it was more than twice her size and weight.

(It took him a month and a cat to get her to stop sleeping with it.)

4.) She was eight when Johnny saw her making friends with a group of dolphins. He stepped in when he heard her ask if they wanted to come along and be a part of the crew, and very kindly explained that, while he was sure the dolphins would have been happy to join such an esteemed group of air pirates, there really wasn't a way for them to travel comfortably.

At which point May had looked thoughtful and muttered something about believing in the dolphins before Johnny led her back to the ship.

To his great amazement, two days later while in a scuffle with the police, May had called out-- and the dolphins had responded by appearing to assist her without being hindered by the lack of water at all.

("May, princess..."

"Yeah, Johnny?"

"You were responsible for your-- ah, friends appearing out of thin air, were you not?"

"... I guess so."

"And how did you manage such a feat?"

"... I believed in them. They'll do anything for their crew, too."

He didn't bother to ask about the whales.)

5.) When May met Axl, the two hit it off almost immediately and he spent a good three hours or so teaching her all sorts of songs he'd picked up from his (time) travels.

Johnny vowed revenge when he heard the thirty-sixth rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" break out in the girls' cabin.

6.) She has a weakness for good-looking blond males. She even developed a bit of a crush on Ky Kiske, until he had called Johnny a "law-breaking irresponsible fool with little regard for justice and protocol".

It had then taken the combined forces of Johnny, Leap, and April to keep her from blindsiding Ky with her anchor.

7.) May is very skilled at mimicking voices and mannerisms, and often does this during dinner as entertainment for the crew. She enjoys taking requests-- even if her attempt at impersonating that Chinese cook made her lose her voice for three days.

8.) Sometimes she has nightmares where she's not herself. She looks like May, and sounds like May, but she isn't May anymore. She's some kind of puppet, controlled by some unknown force putting orders in her head. Sending her after people she doesn't know.

And she fights to kill.

Each and every time, May wakes up in a cold sweat with Janice sitting on her chest and meowing anxiously... and each and every time she reassures herself that it was just a dream and that she has never and will never do such horrible things.

... Right?

9.) Whenever they get a new crew member, May is usually the one who helps with the outfitting. She has a surprisingly good eye for what will look best on a person.

(... Bridget, however, was a challenge for an honorary member and took a few hours and some assistance from Dizzy.)

10.) May has been called many things. "Monster" for her unusual strength and whatever magic she has that draws marine life to her-- not a power that falls under any known element. "Brat" for her short stature and reckless and headstrong attitude. "Kid", even if she can hardly claim the innocence of a child but refuses to relinquish her optimistic spirit. "Pitiful human" by those who don't understand that even humans have their own strength. "Filthy pirate" by those who have never lived in a poor village, thus being recipients of whatever spoils the Jellyfish Pirates have managed to get. "Japanese"-- a word Anji had to explain to her, and all May understood was "You're not what you thought you were and this will be trouble for you for as long as you live."

And then there's "Princess", Johnny's personal nickname for her, and "Captain" when the real captain is away; the others look to May as their leader then, wanting to believe in her just as she believed in the dolphins. Wanting to believe that she really is a girl who will do anything for her crew, and she will lead them to victory.

And May doesn't fail them.

Because, in the end, no matter what happened to her, no matter what she's been called, no matter what she is, May will always be May.
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