Here's my progress to date:
101 Things to Do in 1001 Days
This checklist contains 101 personal goals to be completed in 1001 days. The project commenced on June 15, 2008 and will end on March 13, 2011, or sooner provided that all the goals are completed early. Comments and well wishes are appreciated.
For more information on how you can create your own list, check the 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days Project Home Page, Day Zero.
Red Text denotes a project currently in progress.
Strike Through denotes a project that has been completed.
- Straighten once every 2 weeks (2/71)
- Vaccuum at least once every 2 weeks (2/71)
- Mop kitchen, bathrooms, and any other place that needs mopping once every 2 weeks (2/71)
- Water the daisy at least once a week (1/143)
- Fold and put away laundry once a week (2/143)
- Take out the trash once a week (2/143)
- Wash hand-wash clothes once a week (1/143)
- Clean the bathrooms every 2 weeks (1/71)
- Clean the kitchen every 2 weeks (2/71)
- Take out recycling/yard debris every 2 weeks (1/71)
- File, shred, or discard all the random papers lying in the study
- Get mail every weekday (10/715)
- File, shred, or throw away all of my mail within 1 week of receiving it (2/143)
- Check voicemail everyday (12/1001)
- Get electrician to look into why light bulbs keep blowing so quickly in the house (is there a short somewhere?)
- Replace blown light bulbs after electrician comes
- Sign contract to get that guy to fix up our yard and maintain it monthly
- Redesign the semi-circle flower bed in the front with permanent, easy-to-maintain, pretty plants Talked to the landscaper guy while they were finishing cleaning up our yard.
- Figure out what to do with the crowded trees/bushes in the back
- Figure out how to prevent insects getting into the apples/nashi pears growing in the backyard
- Figure out how care for cherry, pear, and apple trees
- Cut the maple-bush-thing into something more artistic than a blob. Yes.
- Do that 2 part Intel health program thing
- Exercise 3 times a week for at least 3 months (0/36)
- Take vitamins once a day for at least 3 months (0/180)
- Eat fruit 3 times a week for at least 3 months (6/36)
- See eye-doctor and doctor once a year (0/4)
- See dentist twice a year (0/9)
- Complete Hepatitis A and B vaccination series - second of the hep b shots is done. One more appointment needed in October.
- Hike with Wes some this summer
Church Stuff
- Pray once a day for 3 months (0/90)
- Read a chapter of the Bible once a week and post about it in LJ (2/143)
- Go to church every Sunday (2/143)
- Get old church library books into database
- Go to Bible study twice a month (0/71) - won't make this since Bible study is on hiatus for the summer.
- Visit old church in Wilsonville
Friends and Family
- Visit both Wes's and my parents at least once (0/2)
- Visit my sister more than once a year (I mean she's just a 4 hour drive away...)
- Phone my parents once every 2 weeks (0/71)
- See lain_wired and bardofawen in September '08
- Get Christmas presents for family for Florida visit
- Figure out what to get Wes for Christmas and his birthday
- Call Steve P
- Figure out what food to bring to the 4th of July gathering
- Hold some sort of gathering to use the grill we bought
- Email or call an old friend at least once a month just to keep in touch (1/33)
- Meet up with friends at least twice a month (3/71)
- Get a promotion (should be doable, given some conversations with my boss)
- Do not work too many hours (i.e. more than 50) per week or compensate for it the next week (2/143)
- Pick out the 3 best pictures from our Ireland and India vacations and enter them in the quarterly picture contest at work
- Renew passport - sent out the stuff today. Waiting on getting passport back.
- Redeem paper ticket and get plane tickets to Ireland (again - hopefully this time it doesn't get cancelled at the last minute) Travelling first full week of August.
- Train up the new engineer - gave training plan to new engineer. He's currently working on setting up permissions, etc.
- Read Castle of Many Ways
- Read Castle in the Air
- Reread Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Reread Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Reread Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Post thoughts on LJ on Harry Potter series as a whole
- Get and read The Phoenix Endangered
- Read all of my ブリーチ manga
Video Games
- Finish playing "Disgaea 3" - in chapter 5
- Finish playing "Disgaea 1"
- Finish playing "Final Fantasy VI"
- Finish playing "Xenogears"
- Play "Xenosaga"
- Get and play "Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition"
- Get and play "Little Big Planet" whenever it comes out
- Get and play "Final Fantasy XIII" whenever it comes out
- Get and play "White Knight Chronicles" whenever it comes out
- Update my backlog page to reflect game progress
Decoration / Spring Cleaning Items
- Frame/hang up pictures that are still lying around
- Get a HD TV
- Get a TV stand for said HD TV
- Figure out what to do with the current TV and stand when we get the HD TV
- Get a new desk
- Get a new computer, possibly building it ourselves using a CPU from the loaner chip program
- Sell the stuff in the box in the closet
- Donate the pile of clothes in our bedroom
- Pick out pictures for the free photobook and get it made
- Replace certain clothing items that are getting old/worn/holes
Personal Growth
- Try/do one thing out my comfort zone once a week for at least 3 months (0/12)
- Read prospectuses/financial stuff once a month for at least 6 months (0/6)
- Handle finances for my credit cards
- Become better at photography (no more blue pictures)
- Be more outgoing
- Try cooking 5 new recipes and become proficient at them
- Learn some basic Mandarin
- Get a haircut every 6 weeks (0/24)
- Finish translating 月の影影の海
- Finish writing Mirror
- Use up all of those random gift cards Wes and I have collected from work
- Try out the free scanner/copier/photoprinter we got
- Update progress of this in LJ once a week (1/143)
- Make sure to check both email accounts at least once a week (1/143)
- Learn Hong Kong Mahjong scoring rules
- Play enough Mahjong with some friends that we can play Mahjong for an entire sitting using either Japanese or Hong Kong scoring rules
- Play "Seafarers of Catan"
- Vote in November '08 election
- Burn an "anime mix" CD out of all of my Japanese singles so I can listen to them in the car while going to work
- Finish the cross-stitch project