Nov 02, 2004 22:58
Look at us guys. We drive around and as lost as we are, we refuse to ask for directions. Now, it is not much about the fact that it is guys.... its just that as drivers, we tend to get too arrogant to ask for directions! I have female friends who seldom ask for directions. My dear ol' MUM seldom asks for direction. If she's in the Passenger seat.... ah now thats a different story! Buy when she drives, yet another different story.
I have a friend who needs help. And if she does not get it soon enough, i am SO sure she is going to take her own life. But here's the catch, she refuses to ask for it. If offered she pretend she don't need it, but would probably take it anyway. And thats ONLY if she feels you are good enough to be giving it.
I had another friend similar to that. Doesn't ask, doesn't take. Forget asking for directions, this one doesnt bother looking at signboards either.
How do you help people who do not want it? They do not even want to help themselves. Am i supposed to watch her freefall into Fire and Brimstones? I have chosen to actualy DO give a damn about my friends. And that has hurt me more anything else in the world.
Caring Hurts. How did Mother Theressa do it?