Mar 18, 2008 21:32
Nope! I haven't watched 35eps of BLEACH in the past few days, nope, not me, don't know what you're talking about
yeah... I'm not buying it either...
Mostly, this is just me typing to prove that I've been doing at least a little something more than rotting my brain on BLEACH. It's become quite apparent to me that watching it as a marathon at Fanime about two years ago did not leave me with a clear idea of just what was going on. Now, my little brain is toast, but I have a slightly better idea of what I need to do to make my cosplay work. I tested the hair today, so I should be good to go on that front, at least >.<
But! Cosplay babble is not me proving that I've done something other than rot my brains on BLEACH... this, however, should:
finallyfinallyfinally, I've got stuff up there, and it's even for sale! *gasp* I plan to get a little more posted, but after reading what I've just written here, I get the distinct impression that it might be wisest for me to wait until morning when I can be at least a little more coherent.
I don't have proof of the other productive thing I did today, which was to FINALLY draft and make a tripoint hat in an adult size! Her chibi-ness has the prototype and I think I'll have to make one to put into my 'Easter Basket' for the Eastery goodness I'm going to on Sunday. After work. Joy.
now, though? Definately time for sleeping.