Goodwill is Love

Oct 09, 2007 21:42

Or, more to the point, I have everything I need for my Haruhi costume except for the wig. And I can probably even wear the pants to work, once I'm done with the cosplay (to do so sooner would invite staining the hell out of them on coffee oils) I've kindof missed doing cosplay and this is one that really appeals to me (it's the Haruhi from Host Club, not the Melancholy of... and it's Haruhi from the first ep before the blazer and the contacts happen. Mostly, it's an excuse for me to wear my glasses for a cosplay). I did a little shopping for another surgical truss as well, as I think I'd need a smaller size to do any serious good at this point, but there was no love at the Longs or the Wallgreens. I'll probably still bring my jacket for Duo, and a pair of black jeans, but other than that, it's a very half-assed cosplay at this point ;p Haruhi is, too, because, well... I put no effort into this one, but I'll have fun and that's what matters ;p And it'll be comfy. Otherwise, I spend the whole of y-con in wafuku, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, either.

ah...y-con... which is approaching faster than I care to admit. I"m gonna love those days off, though, as I requested the monday as well, just so I'd have a chance to, oh... idontknow... rest ;p I'm looking at another stint of six days a week for a few weeks I think, but it's very hard to complain when it makes for happy paychecks. And happy paychecks mean I can keep my car and keep it insured and pay rent and all of that other fun stuff. Though there hasn't been much in the way of fun stuff recently, if only because I'm still too worried about covering all of my real expenses first. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything though and so that's just fine with me. I think I'm mostly ready for the con, though. I'm sure that there's something big I'm missing, but for now, I'd like to think that I have everything under control ;p

Doll-club was tonight and having gone there after working five hours in Saratoga was a bit of a trip, and I was really scattered and dragging, it was still a fun time. We had an inhouse project that involved floating ink on top of shaving cream to dye fabric. Very simple project with VERY diverse results. It was a lot of fun and I hadn't expected to actually participate, but I think it was worth it. We also had a 'sales' table' so I was able to sell a few of my tiny bags as well. I was planning on taking tomorrow to cut a few more anyway, including some bats, so we'll see how that goes. I'm starting to think about selling them, or at least trying to sell them (the tiny bags) on etsy so if anyone has suggestions about that, I'd be interested in hearing them. It would be nice to expand my market base, if only a little.

In other projects... I gave two of my hakamashita sex-changes (female to male) and am working on altering the rest of my hakamashita so that I'm not swimming in them when I wear them. This involves taking the sleeves off and cutting about three inches from both sides of the body, then reattaching the sleeves. It's kindof like having a whole new wardrobe again. In all of this, I have made myeslf a new hakamashita as well-- in striped wool, and I'm looking forward to wearing it in the winter months, and definately at the cons, cause I can't seem to regulate my body temperature as well as I used to. Must be the California living ;p

In other doll news? My most recent addition has been Cair. I've had his body for awhile, and his head for a little longer, but para-chan finally did the scarring on him that I wanted done, and another friend who happened to be putting in a Soom order when they were having their eye sale got the eyes for me that I'd wanted for him, and now we're just waiting on his wig. I need to make him some clothes of his own, and have a few ideas for things, but have been so caught up in getting things ready for y-con (and indulging in my own sewing projects) that I just haven't been able to do it. Soon enough, I'm sure... As far as future dolls go... at present I'm torn between purchasing an ipplehouse boy and another soom boy. A lot of it depends on if Soom does their christmas kit event again this year because if they are, I'll probably go for him first and then keep saving for the ipplehouse boy. I'm hoping that by having a table at y-con, I'll be able to put a little more money into the doll fund.

I'm sure that's enough babble from me for now-- I need to update my stock list, figure out who wants money sooner and maybe get that squared away and in the mail tomorrow. *nodnod* I's a productive kitty.
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