For those of you who have been following to a greater or lesser extent... it's behind the cut to save friends' pages. I keep thinking I should warn about the fact that one of the young men pictured is nude and the other's pants haven't fully materialized, but there's not actually anything to SEE... so... maybe if you're turned off by lack of anatomy, you shouldn't look? I don't know.
In other news... back down to 20 hours next week. This seems to be leading to much stress on the part of me, but... I know that I'll be okay for awhile longer. Just not as okay as I had been doing. It also means that we start a little more in earnest on the job hunt thing. I can still get by with the hours I have, it just means not doing some of the things I'd become accustomed to, like picking up remnants at JoAnns... which is actually probably for the best, since I should be using up some of my stash before I start augmenting it again. it was fine when I was sewing more, so... obviously I need to be sewing again, right? Right.