Here were my answers for the 10 Things Beginning With a Letter meme from
Comment and I'll give you a letter. Then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
My letter was... D
1.Dolls. Making them, or making things for them.
2.Dollhouses. This might be cheating, but dollhouses really are in a different league from dolls. Not just in scale but in execution.
3.Dioramas. They're something I always wanted to make, but generally failed because I like to be able to interact with scenes once they're done. I have very pleasant memories of diorama displays in a refurbished railroad depot in Fort Payne, though...
4.Dancing. Well... contra-dancing, mostly, so maybe this is cheating too. D is a really hard letter.
5.Darjeeling. I've never been there, and I don't really even like the tea, but it's a really fun word to say. (Did I mention that this was difficult?)
6. Durrell, Gerry. Wonderfully fun author. Much better than Larry ;p
7. Drama. Drama as in the theatre, not angst.
8. Donuts. guilty pleasure, this, more than love or even infatuation, I think... but not just any donut-- chocolate icing with the white creame filling are still the holy grail of fattening breakfast pastries (and bloody hard to find on this coast >.<)
9. DVDs no explanation needed. Dvds are great ^_^
10. Dreams. Either aspirations or what my subconscious comes up with when I'm asleep.