Tis the season...

Dec 11, 2006 22:25

For me to deal with the REALLY irksome customers, apparently. Until today, I had nothing but absolutely wonderful interactions with customers at work and, in all honesty, I had some damned good ones today, too, like getting to chat with some of our regulars before heading to catch my bus. And having one lady thank me repeatedly for simply doing my job (I've had a couple of people who have been very greatful, to the point of saying thank you after just about anything I say to them). Today, however I got to waste $50.00 of coffee because someone couldn't be bothered to read the price list, then got to void close to $50.00 worth of glassware because it wasn't microwave safe. After the first incident, I was not a happy camper, nor was my manager, but I couldn't very well tell the woman she had to buy the coffee (especially after she said, "If you don't take them back, I won't buy anything.") and to have the woman want to return the glassware about five minutes after buying it was just... absurd. I didn't think I'd be venting about it again here, and honestly, I'm not nearly so irritated as I was earler. (At work, I walked off the floor and asked someone else to do the void... which, technically, I don't know how to do anyway.) I suppose I should add that I've had issues with the glassware lady before. I always try to be polite, but once I saw her in the store, I knew that we were in trouble...

On the up side of all of this, I was off at one. Probably for the best. I even got bar coffee done and the tea order mostly worked out.

On another note, I did finally post to the Lutx Q&A board and found out the reason for the delay-- the doll that had arrived from Serendipity had been severely damaged, so they had to send it back. They are hoping to have Ma'riel and the wigs in the mail to me later this week, or at least in time for Christmas. Of course, the delay is irksome, but given the reasons, I'm more than willing to wait. It would have been much worse if I had recieved a broken doll.

And, for the completly silly-- I think I found a blue willow teaset that would be to scale for my boys. And Keibhan currently has the gift eyes that tenshi-san got from dollmore and he looks amazingly demonic. Sweet, but demonic. It's kinda wierd, but I still want to snuggle him... maybe that's his secret power or something.

OOO... I'm almost done with my shopping, too. And I got my thread on DoA updated... and and and... I've been sewing! Cause I have a spiffy new machine! See? the day wasn't that bad after all ^_^

work, dolls

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