What I Did on My Summer Vacation (with spoilers for Season 7 of SPN)

Oct 05, 2011 12:36

Yeah, I know it's October.  What can I tell you--I have a problem with being late.  :-)

Since I last posted here, I:
  • Went to Dubai (just for the day--I need to go back and actually see the place next time.  rosie55, I owe you an email!)
  • Went to Paris (I'm trying to figure out how I can retire in France.)
  • Went to New York City (for business--then my sis flew out to meet me and we ran around the city for the weekend)
  • Saw The Book of Mormon (in NYC)
  • Saw War Horse (ditto)
  • Began driving in the Middle East (I'm driving a compact car in a world of SUVs who flash their lights at you when they want you to move out of their lane.  It's an adventure.)
  • Have introduced Oliver to the children in our compound.  He is now received like a rock star when he takes his evening walk. (We've got about six or eight kids under the age of ten who literally catch sight of him and begin running to us and calling, "Ah-li-vah!  Ah-li-vah!"  Most of them are Asian or Indian, and don't have a lot of experience with dogs, but love them just the same.  One little girl comes over every single night and asked me once if I thought Oliver knew her name.  But she's too scared to touch him.  It's absolutely adorable.  Oliver is a little overwhelmed by all the attention, particularly when it comes from one not-so-steady-on-her-feet toddler who rushes at him, clomping along with each step as little ones do.  He's terrified of her.)
  • Have seen Deidre Hall at an airport lounge at JFK (That's my odd SPN connection moment--for those of you not placing her, she played Jensen Ackles' mom on Days of Our Lives.  Her face makes her look 40.  Her hands clearly place her in her sixties.  She's very pretty.)
  • Experienced my first Ramadan (I don't know how my Muslim coworkers fasted from sunup to sundown--no food or water--yet still worked)
  • Saw the premiere of SPN in NYC (My sis was in town by that point.  She said, "We're in Manhattan, the entire weekend ahead of us, and you want us to rush back to our hotel room to watch your stupid TV show?!"  My only reply was, "It's the premiere!")
And about that premiere and the ep to follow...

How much am I digging season seven?!  Quite a lot actually.  :-)  I didn't get to see Hello, Cruel World until Monday.  I bought Apple TV when I visited NYC and an SPN season pass on iTunes, so I should only be slightly behind the rest of the world when it comes to viewing going forward, but this past weekend, my internet was mucked up, which was killing me.  I kept emailing debbiel and callistosh65 via my iPhone, saying things like, "ARGH!  I can't believe this.  WHAT'S HAPPENED?  DO WE GET A HUG?"

I have my priorities straight.

And when it comes to Supernatural, my number one priority will always be Sam and Dean, together, loving and supporting each other against impossible odds.  I know this is a sore spot right now, fandom-wide, but I stand by my earlier post.  Cas has been a valuable character and Misha has done a great job with him, but his storyline is over.  Keeping him around because fans like him does a disservice to the character and to the fans, because unless you completely change the way this show is structured, you no longer have a place for Cas or the heavenly hosts plot.  I won't belabor that point, because I know a lot of people are hurting right now, and I'm sorry about that.  I will say I'm thrilled the guys no longer have the Get Out of Jail Free card that came with their calling on Cas to fix things.  Just that one change has upped the tension dramatically.  It makes them more vulnerable, they need to pull together now more than ever to survive, and it makes what happens to them have real impact.

How are they going to get out of this one?  Dean is incapacitated and Sam is seizing in an ambulance headed towards a hospital staffed by monsters who've been ordered to annihilate them.  Sam's wall has come down and all Hell has broken loose (quite literally).  Dean is exhausted and searching for meaning in what he does and why he exists.  The big bad is bigger and badder than ever before.

This is good stuff!  I love the way the season is shaping up.

I'm excited!  I hope you all are too.

Let's stay in touch more regularly, shall we?

(Seriously.  I kind of gave myself the summer to get acclimated to this new life.  Now [I think] I'm ready to pick up old [beloved] habits.  I'll try not to be as much of a stranger.  Stop by, if you like, and say hi.)

episode talk, supernatural, non fan stuff

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