Title: Wearing of the Green
Rating: PG
Length: 159 words
Summary: He thinks, no, he knows, she'd look good in green.
He thinks, no, he knows, she'd look good in green.
Sometimes when he's elbow-deep in the engine of his hotrod, he's overwhelmed by an image of Pepper, swathed in a length of green satin that threatens to fall away from her entirely. Sometimes she's walking down the stairs to his workshop in the fantasy. Other times she's stretched out on his bed. It's hell on his concentration, either way.
It's a damned shame, he thinks, that her birthday was less than half a year ago and that they're already past St. Patrick's Day or he'd order a green dress for his lovely assistant from one of the chi-chi boutiques. Very tasteful, of course. But he's seen that her definition of tasteful can be pretty satisfying for a guy, so that's not a problem.
Now, if only green didn't clash so badly with his armour, it'd be the perfect fantasy.
Title: Burnt
Rating: PG
Length: 108 words
Summary: She's been burned by him before, but not this literally.
"Ow. Ow, ow, ow. Damnit, Tony!"
"Look, Pepper, I'm sorry for leaving you in the desert when I had to go rescue those kids in Baja but you could've called Happy when the car broke down."
"He's at his parents' fiftieth anniversary, Tony. In Florida."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yes, really."
"Oh. I really am sorry, you know. That looks nasty."
"Thanks so much. Could you just spray on more Lanacane, please?"
"That's the last of the stuff. Maybe I could kiss it and make it better?"
"Anthony Stark, you'll touch my sunburned skin when hell freezes over."
"I always thought
hell was exothermic, myself."
"Ha-ha. You're going to Target, now!"