You're all Amateurs!

Mar 27, 2008 21:45

Spoilery for 7.15 (Veritas) -- you have been warned

Lana? Hah! Hahahahahahaha! Oh, I know you didn't do anything in particular in this episode to annoy me but, oh!, I'm hoping to have a reprieve from the Lana Lang show for a few episodes.

Lionel? Doomed, so doomed. (Which I predicted.) Too late to be all repentant, Lionel. You're doomed!

Lex? His evil destiny is showing (again, as predicted). But if I see one more flashback about his childhood, I might expire of boredom (well, except for the parts with Lionel, since flashback!Lionel is rather more awesome). Lex is

Chloe? Sadly underused if all she's going to do is talk about a few computer graphics and look pained (as at the end, on Lana's behalf). My goodness, this woman has a healing superpower as well as uncanny computer investigative skills. Don't you think she could be sniffing out a lot more about Lex and the plans of evil? No. She just feeds Clark information that's too late to be useful and looks pained on various other characters' behalf.

Lois & Jimmy, super-investigators? That was really fun. I wasn't sure why Lois was looking all weepy as she contemplated the empty headline at the start, but once she got on the trail of things, she took off. Jimmy was spectacular, here, sparking Lois to get an investigation underway. They just need their Clark Kent to complete the team but that'll never happen in this series. *sigh*

Kara + Brainiac? What the hell are they doing? Do I want to know? No, because it will likely be as stupid as the flash of insight that sparked the realization that Brainiac runs on energy. (Newsflash, Smallville writers, all living creatures run on energy, too. It's the form or type of energy that's distinctive. If you're arguing that he's drawing power from the electrical grid, you could have written that and sounded a wee bit more intelligent.)

Clark? Oh, Clark. *sigh* Oh, annoying writers. You taunted us with the promise that Kara would teach Clark to fly in this episode. (And, of course, we knew that wouldn't happen.) So then that whole bit resolved to precisely nothing. And Clark ran around everywhere behind the curve. Personally, I don't like the term BDA for Clark but in this episode it somewhat fit. Shut down Lionel when he might actually have some information that's useful. Ignore Kara just when she might teach you a very useful skill. Mope and mope some more. *sigh*

No more new Smallville for three more weeks. I'll have to content myself with fanfiction and DVDs. Oh, well.

memeage, smallville

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