Since I'm being very boring, working at my office while I fight off a summer cold, I thought I'd share some of my favourite wallpaper websites:
- Interface Lift: High Res, Widescreen Wallpapers are to die for: beautiful images, whether photographs or computer-generated art, there for the sharing. I stumbled across this site through Lifehacker on my Google Reader feeds. Highly Recommended!
- National Geographic's Photo of the Day first came to my attention via queenofthorns and has won a place in my heart. The images are astoundingly gorgeous but, sadly, not widescreen suitable.
- Widescreen Aspect Images at Flickr is rather more catch as catch can, but still provides some lovely images well worth checking out.
- Social Wallpapering, in its own words, is "a public effort to classify, rank, and distribute high-resolution images for use as desktop backgrounds". Lots of different resolutions available and a fairly helpful forum.