Still alive

Sep 07, 2006 22:54

Just in case you've been worried -- I haven't disappeared, fallen down a well or been sucked into a black hole. It's just the start of term time and I'm teaching an overload this term (on top of it being my heavy term with a higher course load!) so I'm extra busy at work and we've been squeezing in a number of meetings to get the term off to an extra special start. Oh, and if anyone knows where they stuck about half a dozen desks and chairs we don't have in the classroom for my overcrowded senior seminar, let me know!

Don't worry, I'll get back in the swing of things (halfway there already!) since I pretty well thrive on being too busy. I have plotted out (oxymoron?) most of the drabbles I promised people and should have two or three finished by Saturday night, so those'll get posted soon. I have a huge whack of icons that might get posted if I get organized enough. There are a bunch of SG-1 and SGA icons left over from old sf_incandescent prompts, but I don't expect they'll draw much interest. I think I have enough BSG icons for a post or another Superman set. Have to build up my HP and Firefly folders again for those fandoms.

Anyway, rest assured that I'm happy, I'm exceedingly busy at work and also much occupied with my girls' schedules (they're in fifth and sixth grades now, eek!) while trying to carve out a few hours, here and there, for fannish pursuits. Life is good. Hope yours is, too!
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