Zoom? Meh.

Aug 20, 2006 18:16

Took the kids to see Zoom this afternoon and the verdict was a decided "Meh." Not a "Meh!" Just, well, not nearly as fun as it could have been.

I came in hoping to love the movie. After all, Tim Allen starred in the howlingly wonderful Galaxy Quest. And superhero movies usually hit all my buttons. But this one? Again, meh. The audience could be brought in on the big secret a lot earlier -- we have zero investment in the threat that's lurking behind the scenes. And the team of kids, knowing nothing?, even less.

Courtney Cox could have done a lot more with her geekgrrl part. There's a load of great cameos and minor roles (Chevy Chase shines as the head scientist), but you really don't see much of how the main characters all relate to each other.

So, not planning to pick this up on DVD. I think I'll go watch Galaxy Quest again, instead.

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