customers suck

Apr 15, 2012 19:56

Dear lady with the doggy,

Why YES! Your doggy is in fact incredibly cute, and of course everyone should be oo-ing and aww-ing over his/her lovely jacket (It is very adorable!) And yes, of course I agree that he/she IS very well behaved...


No, I'm not being rude for saying that you can't have a dog in the building...this is, after all, a public facility with a restaurant and no animals (outside of helper animals) are allowed.

No, I'm sorry that you feel that YOUR pet is an exception to this rule, but the rules remain the same.  There are hundreds of people that come through here daily for their events/jobs/whatnot and some do have allergies.  Not to even mention that you're standing three feet from a concession where food is served or what a liability it would be if your little angel got spooked and bit someone!

No, I'm not being over-dramatic, nor do I hate animals...but if your dog is allowed in the building then maybe I should be allowed to bring MY dog to work with me too!  He's well behaved, and I'm sure that you, as a fellow animal enthusiast, wouldn't mind the hair in your food at all :D

Yes, it would be unfair for me to ask you to put him/her in the car when it's freezing and snowing outside, but then maybe you, as the responsible owner you are, should have thought of this before?

Just saying.

Oh, and PS.  Signs are clearly posted everywhere.  So *Mleh!*   :P

customers suck

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