well, that's nice... (/sarcasm)

Sep 14, 2020 19:04

So today you could pretty much look directly at the sun here in the Chicago area, thanks to smoke from the fires out west.

This is such a weird year, you guys. Like, for real. Smoke drifting more than halfway across the country, we're already to the S name for hurricanes (they'll totally have to circle back around to the beginning of the alphabet, oy), and all the stuff we've already seen... and it's only September.

Any predictions about what else we're in for? Might as well have some fun with this, lol.

I'm thinking a blizzard in the Midwest--we haven't had one this calendar year, I don't think. I'd say a polar vortex, but that's so February 2019... ;-)

There are other, more dire things that come to mind, but I don't want to issue a dare to the universe. o_O This entry was originally posted at https://ancalime8301.dreamwidth.org/1803981.html. Comment wherever you prefer.


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