I spent most of yesterday with mother making paper dolls of Ringwraith ii, and then feeding them to mother's pet hive of paper wasps. They're so cute. Those wasps really liked to chew off his head!
Afterwards we took
my kidney out for ice cream and a massage. We bought it comic books, but I stop short at buying a kidney Barry Manilow CD's.
I ended the day by returning to my job in Mandos. Topless filing was much too hard with the whole alphabetizing by name. I have created a much better filing system. People are now filed by the name of their favorite clothing designer. If they just shop at the Ridder-Mart with the other unwashed masses, I have filed them by mental disorder. I am much pleased.
Today I've just filed my nails and annoyed Hama.
Me: Coffee?
Hama: Sure!
Me: Great. Get me some too.
I tease him, but he is sorta cute. At least that's what the fangirls say, each time I accidentally on purpose lock him in the Legolas fangirl ward.