Twister (chapter 6)

Feb 01, 2012 12:37

Fandom: U-KISS
Pairing: Elvin
Genre: Slash, Romance
Rating: Mostly NC-17
Summary: They start a competition in which neither of them is allowed to give up. The goal is simple: one of them must make the other fall in love with him in a limited period of time.
Disclaimer: I am no way, shape or form affiliated with the named group or any of the characters presented. No copyright infringement intended.

December 2nd. 7:39 AM.

The room was pitch-black and Kevin felt like he was about to suffocate under the sheets, while the thick, cottony material tickled his ear. For some weird reason he failed to fall asleep the entire night, as he turned and twisted on all sides possible, sighing with frustration each time he couldn’t find a position that was comfortable enough to allow him to doze off. Just as he felt his lids go heavier by the second, the door opened, bringing with it a wave of cold air.

That could only mean one thing: the heating system was broken again. Their stupid heating system, which never worked properly, or functioned only when nobody was at home. And regardless of how many times their manager had brought someone to look at it, the thing simply refused to comply and had to make their lives -and Kevin’s in particular, by the looks of it- a living torment.

He heard footsteps slowly making their way toward the bed, then stopped and the air was filled with the sound of heavy breathing. He didn’t have to turn and see who it was, because there was only one pant in the entire universe that sounded like that. A very distinct, regular inhaling and exhaling every second and a half (Kevin had kept track), which always paused once every two minutes for several seconds. Creepily watching Eli’s facial features and unconscious habits while he wasn’t aware had always been Kevin’s main quirk and he absolutely loved it.

‘Kev?’ he felt him kneeling beside the bed, then scooted closer, just a little above him. ‘Get up.’ He sensed the whisper on the back of his neck and his hairs immediately stood up. Kevin wasn’t going to say anything; he would wait and see just how far the older would go after what happened the night before.

‘Come on, wake. We have practice later.’ He rose from the floor and settled on the edge, to circle the younger’s waist with his arm. Kevin felt the blood in his vessels heading straight for his cheeks, but kept his eyes firmly shut. The mattress squeaked as Eli lingered above him, probably to check if he was asleep, then the blanket was removed and Kevin felt the other’s heavy weight lifting him a few inches. He made himself comfortable, in the same position as Kevin was, gluing his body to his own, then threw his hand hastily over Kevin’s chest and drew him unbearably close.

‘I know you’re still not asleep.’ A gentle whisper tickled his earlobe. ‘So why are you pretending?’

Kevin sighed and eventually turned. Eli kept his arm above his small figure the entire time, so that it was then slowly caressing his lower back in wide circles. He just looked into his eyes, but didn’t say anything.

‘Oh, so you like it.’ Eli concluded with a smile. Kevin almost smiled back, but not to affirm his deduction, but because having his face so close reminded him of the previous evening.

‘I kinda do.’ He admitted.


‘Kinda, somehow, not really. I’m not sure.’

Eli smacked him on the shoulder and got up, pulling Kevin by one arm at the same time.

‘Isn’t it too early for this?’ Kevin grunted as he rubbed at his eyes.

‘Define this.’ Eli opened the door and let him get out first.

‘Whatever we’re about to do.’

‘That sounded so wrong, you have no idea.’

‘Oh, so we’re not getting dirty?’ Kevin smiled the most devious smile an almost eight o’clock hour could allow, as he entered the kitchen.

‘Technically, we will. But not in the way you’re thinking.’

‘Now you made me curious.’

‘Don’t get too excited.’ Eli placed an empty bowl, flour and some eggs in front of him, then seated at the opposite side of the table and began stirring at what seemed to have been started minutes before. Kevin stared at the table packed with ingredients, then slowly raised his head.

‘You actually woke me up for this?’ he asked with a half-accusative tone.

‘Can you think of a better reason? Besides, this is my task and you have no say in it. Deal.’

‘Who on Earth wakes up at seven in the morning to cook… what is it that we’re doing?’

‘The biggest chocolate-chip cookie in history. I found the recipe on the Internet, it’s not complicated. So no more complaints and start mixing.’

Kevin knew from years of experience that when something settled in Eli’s mind, there was nothing he or the rest of the world could do to make that change. So, armed with persistence and silent prayers for the whole thing to be over faster, he pulled his sleeves all the way up to his elbows and began blending everything that was in front of him with a steady hand. Eli smirked.

‘Why are we doing this, again?’ Kevin asked, lifting his gaze every once in a while to look at him.

‘Why shouldn’t we?’

‘I really hate it when someone answers my questions with another question.’

‘And I hate it when I’m being asked so many questions.’

‘Like you don’t do the same.’

‘Well, if you’re so keen to know,’ Eli began, getting up from his chair to smother Kevin’s nose with the chocolate cream he had been preparing, ‘I’m following your example and doing something else for a change.’ He touched the tip of his nudge with the thick, brown paste, before covering it completely. Kevin laughed and tried to escape, but fell short when the older stopped him with a firm, close pull by his nape.

He gently closed his eyes as Eli’s mouth cleaned him entirely, then reopened them just in time to contemplate him licking his lips in delight.

‘I’m good at this.’ He murmured seductively. Kevin raised a brow.

‘At making the chocolate, I mean.’ He laughed after understanding his allusion.

‘I haven’t even tasted it yet.’ The younger said. ‘How do I know you’re not lying?’

‘I can take care of that.’ He grinned temptingly, slowly digging his index finger in the concoction, before painting Kevin’s lower lip with it. The named one ran his tongue over it in elation, intentionally leaving a small amount behind.

Without really knowing what he was doing, he puckered his lips and slowly raised his head toward Eli’s, who sipped his finger in the cream again, ran it over Kevin’s lower lip again and sucked on it earnestly. The named one simply gave in what was about to turn into the sweetest and messiest kiss in history, shortly before hearing the sound of the toilet being flushed. They broke apart in an instant and took a peek down the hall, just in time to see Dongho return to his room, barely carrying his own weight and rubbing his eyes.

‘He never washes his hands. Did you hear the water running?’ Kevin asked.

‘Please, he’s a teenager. What does he know about responsibility?’ Eli answered, flipping his hand. Just as he was about to sit back on his stool, Kevin clutched onto his baggy sleeve.

‘More than you, apparently.’ He bickered. ‘Why don’t you ever finish what you start?’

‘Meaning…?’ the older scowled.

‘Meaning we were in the middle of something.’ Kevin hesitated. ‘Or so I thought.’

Eli stopped short to watch his face guardedly, then let a smile spread from one ear to the other in a fraction of a second.

‘And what exactly was that?’ he inquired cryptically.

Kevin took another egg, cracked the shell open and let the insides fall into the bowl. His cheeks took on a slight hint of crimson, but his hands worked firmly and steadily with the supplies in front of him.

‘Nevermind.’ He exhaled. ‘Let’s finish this so I can get back into bed.’

‘No, no, wait a sec.’ Eli continued, visibly onto something. He was having the upper hand and knew that, as his grin seemed to be stuck to his face. ‘What were you about to say?’

Kevin turned, glared at him and straightened his back. His expression was rigid.

‘That if we don’t finish this faster, the coach is going to yell at me again for not showing enough ‘team spirit’ and ‘control over my own emotions’ and ‘focus’ and crap.’

‘You’re lying.’

‘Eli, like it wasn’t already obvious enough.’

‘I want to hear it from you. Why is it so hard?’

‘Because’, he sighed and turned away, ‘you’re making it this way. And you enjoy it.’

‘And you’re gonna tell me, what, that you don’t? That’s bullshit.’ The older came closer and placed a short kiss on his nape. Kevin trembled.

‘I think we’re referring to different things here. Being teased? No, I don’t enjoy. Everything else that includes you? You bet your ass I do.’

He finally looked him in the eyes and almost felt the need to look away, upon seeing the most seductive -and, weirdly enough, loving- gaze Eli had ever offered. He decided to go for a second try, partly for the reason that they were alone and maybe wouldn’t get another chance like this soon. And partly because he couldn’t really control himself when he was around him.

Kevin got up from his chair, placed his hands around Eli’s neck and voided the already midget-like distance between them. His heart almost jumped at the sense of a much eager response and didn’t even have time to adjust with the idea that they were kissing again, that he felt a wet tongue, clashing teeth and caressed skin all over. He felt a rapid heartbeat that didn’t belong to him, felt warmth and desire.

Eli pushed him over the edge of the table, untied the strap of his sweatpants and pulled them down to his knees. He raised his shirt just a little above his chest, but didn’t take it off, as he began kissing carefully chosen portions of skin.

‘Not here.’ Kevin panted. ‘We might get caught.’

‘Not if you’re silent.’ Eli said and let his palm be filled by the blonde’s erection, at which Kevin closed his eyes and glued his lips to one another to suppress a moan. By the time he began breathing heavily through his nose and Eli halted with his trail of kisses right at the top of his crotch, his underwear had already been removed, revealing a hot and wet erection.

‘My, aren’t we raring to go.’ Eli alluded.

‘And aren’t you moving fast.’ Kevin whispered, arms too weak to sustain himself on his elbows. He lay on his back and almost felt the need to arch it involuntarily when he felt the first of what was about to turn into many licks across his length.

Eli swallowed his member in one go, while holding it by its base. He rested his free hand on Kevin’s flat stomach and stroked it gently, amid working his way to his orgasm with lust. The younger grabbed his hand and held it in place, mesmerized by the image offered just a few inches from their touch. He would have never expected his lover (or anybody else) to please him with such fervor. It was almost as if he was hungry for more as minutes passed, like the enjoyment given by his offering surpassed all other enjoyments he could undergo. To say the he liked it was an understatement, by what Kevin could notice, which made him turn even harder.

Eli stopped for a second, stuck his hand in the chocolate-filled bowl beside them and quickly covered his muscle from top to bottom. The cold paste caused a slender collision with the heat given by the feeling of pressure, but the instant he glued his lips to his hard-on again, Kevin stopped caring about everything else and let himself enjoy the sensation.

Eli moaned in delight and continued sucking even faster, trying to clean him entirely before reaching the peak. His tongue worked wonders especially around the head, where the ongoing circles alone were sufficient to make Kevin feel like floating on cloud nine.

‘I’m close, please don’t stop.’ He whimpered, more and more allured by the view below.

‘I wasn’t planning to.’ Eli spoke fast. ‘I like it way too much. You feel so good.’

‘Oh… good God.’

‘I could do it all day long.’ Eli smirked, giving one hard pump with his hand.

That was it. Kevin jerked in his mouth in a flash, harder and faster than he had predicted. He bit onto his sleeve to prevent a possible scream and almost got struck by a wave of convulsions. It was in that moment that he knew there was not one thing in the whole wide world that could make him feel as good as Eli could.

The older wiped his mouth and his hand, got up smiling, kissed him one last time on his tummy and went into the bathroom for a quick wash. After he returned, Kevin was only just picking himself up and looked around confused, like he had forgotten what planet they belonged to.

‘Well.’ He inspected the table, then his still covered-in-a-little-chocolate manhood. ‘I guess our giant cookie is screwed.’

Eli laughed.

‘You might want to spend less time recovering. If someone walks in and sees you like that…’

‘I’ll tell time it was your fault.’ The younger grinned, finally hoping off the table. He latched onto a napkin and quickly erased any trace of dirt, then pulled his pants back up.

‘Tsk. My fault again?’

‘Well I most certainly didn’t cause this mess.’

‘Probably. Probably not. But you sure enjoyed it. Just as much as you enjoy teasing.’

‘Now, now.’ Kevin puckered his lips, grabbing the messy plates and spoons to begin cleaning them up. ‘That’s a whole different story. ‘Sides, there are all kinds of teasing. Some I indulge in, some I don’t.’

‘Oh, I see. Do tell me more.’ Eli insisted, putting some of the dishes in the sink as well.

‘For starters, you have the sexual teasing, which is only fun when I perform it.’

‘Naturally, since you’re a little prick.’

‘Shush. And then there’s the couple teasing, which is either too sweet, or too dumb. And I don’t like that either.’

‘Couple teasing? As in the lovey-dovey, nonstop sugariness coated with cute sounds and all that?’

‘Precisely.’ Kevin nodded, bringing the last forks and knives. ‘There’s also the mean kind of teasing - you know, sarcastic remarks and mean commentaries, which I know how to handle pretty well.’

‘And here comes the best part…’ Eli anticipated.

‘The all-situations teasing. Teasing on all subjects, suitable in all occasions and under all pretexts. That’s the only one that I like. And, sadly for you, you’re not very good with it. So in conclusion, no, I don’t like teasing.’

‘That was, probably, the weirdest, yet still the most logical classification I have every witnessed.’ Eli looked at him. ‘I must say, I’m impressed.’

‘Why, thank you. And now tell me: what were we going to do with the giant cookie?’

‘What is anybody supposed to do with a cookie, besides eat it?’

‘You tell me. But how come you came up with an idea like this?’

Eli let him take care of the dishwasher whilst grabbing some bread.

‘Sex is not the only thing invading my head, you know.’ He frowned. ‘What turned out wasn’t supposed to happen.’

‘Then why did it…?’ Kevin asked with a smaller voice.

Eli initially opened his mouth to respond, but couldn’t really meet with a reason. He took one good bite of his bread and only after swallowing did he go for a second try.

‘I’m not really sure. You looked good, so I simply went for it, I guess. And the chocolate was a spontaneous improvisation.’

‘Then you better have more of those spontaneous whatevers in the future, because that was brilliant.’

Eli smiled and continued munching.

I know. I know. @_@ Don't throw bricks/knives/tomatoes/potatoes/sharp objects.

elvin, fanfic

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