Map of your head (chapter 19)

Aug 10, 2011 21:01

Title: Map of your head
Fandom: U-KISS
Characters & Pairings: Elvin, Xander, OFC, other possible episodic characters
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in this one)
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Drama
Summary: "Because the language confuses, like computers refuse to understand how I'm feeling today." 
Eli is new to this world. Kevin makes him feel like home.
Disclaimer: The title belongs to English rock-band Muse, as well as the lyrics, extracted from their 2002 album entitled ”Hullabaloo”. I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with the named group, or any characters presented in this writing. No copyright infringement intended.

Read: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18

Month three. Day six.
If humans disposed of some sort of erase button that allowed them to delete unwanted memories from their mind, Eli would definitely use it.

He had assisted throughout the entire scene without saying much, watching Kevin reacting calmer than he had expected, but visibly shocked, while Kiseop had tried an entire legion of methods to get them to speak alone, even if it was for one minute. After Kevin asked him what was he doing there about three times, he finally moved on to something else, which consisted in ‘No’s and ‘Get out’s. The whole thing didn’t last long, because a minute later Alexander barged in, grabbed Kiseop by the wrist and pulled him out of the room, before anybody else could interfere.

Despite Eli’s earnest attempts at getting to talk with Kevin about what happened, the younger blocked him off each time, on the premise that he needed to be alone to think. He barely got out of his room and the only times when he did leave the hostel, was to either go to the bathroom or to the library to take a pile of books and then went back inside. He didn’t exactly refused Eli’s presence in his room, but didn’t display the usual affection the older had gotten used to, which made him more worried by the day. He couldn’t help but feel paranoid and left out, because he was under the constant impression that Kevin’s old feelings for Kiseop were slowly making a comeback. Of course he didn’t dare ask Kevin about it, because the entire thing sounded stupid in his head, not to mention spoken out loud, but the sensation of hopelessness was wearing him down.

To add fuel to the fire, Kiseop’s request of rejoining the program had been accepted and he had been placed in one of the rooms from the first floor (secretly arranged by Alexander, who was still trying to get back into Kevin’s good graces). The gesture had been very much appreciated, especially by Eli, who had sworn that next time he saw Kiseop seek to get anywhere near Kevin, he would chop his head off and feed it to the stray dogs surrounding the hospital. That made Kevin laugh and rewarded him with a kiss, the first actually-felt tender gesture in three days.

The entire situation was plain confusing, as Kevin wanted to pretend Kiseop didn’t exist within the building, Eli tried to get him into discussing about it -and failed- each time and Alexander didn’t even know whose side to take. He still considered Kevin his best friend and would do anything to make him happy, but still had to comply to his duty as a head nurse and treat Kiseop with the same attention and care as he would do with any other patient.

As the staff range was slowly beginning to clear one late evening, Eli was making his way to Kevin’s room. Their lack of interaction was worrying him and he needed clear-cut answers. He knocked and entered silently and was surprised by the image greeting him - Kevin was all dressed up and was sitting by the window. He turned after hearing footsteps and his face lightened up at the sight of Eli.

‘Hey.’ He reached over to him, smiling pleasantly. ‘I thought you might come.’

‘What’s with the outfit?’ Eli asked, then gave him a peck on the lips.

‘We’re going out.’ He replied confidently.

‘We are?’

‘Yes. Right now.’

Eli looked at him for a second, before cupping his face and gave him another smooch.

‘You know we can’t. Apparently I’m under severe probation. Or so did Bess inform me.’

‘I heard, Xander told me.’

‘Xander? So I’m assuming you’re not mad at him anymore?’

‘I am mad. I’m just not acting mad.’

‘Good.’ Eli grinned. He wanted to kiss him, but Kevin placed his index finger on his lips and looked him in the eyes.

‘We still haven’t talked about going out.’

‘Kev,’ Eli sighed, ‘I’m seriously being watched right now. If I’m caught making one more slip again, I’ll be in deep trouble.’

‘But nurse Bess isn’t here. Xander isn’t, either. Let’s sleep at your place tonight. We’ll wake up very early in the morning and come back before anybody even noticed we were gone. Please?’ he pouted sweetly, batting his eyelashes several times. To make matters worse, he began placing sloppy kisses all across Eli’s face, murmuring a small ‘Please’ after every one. The older finally sighed and rolled his eyes, agreeing as he made his way to the door with Kevin’s hand in his own.

As Kevin was trying to gently bite his neck in gratitude and Eli was striving to keep him away with one hand, they bumped into Kiseop. He made a very brief eye contact with Eli, before turning his attention towards Kevin. He noticed his clothes and their intertwined fingers and frowned.

‘What are you doing here?’ Eli asked.

Kiseop didn’t even look at him, instead he tried taking one step closer to Kevin. The named one backed off behind Eli, who immediately reacted and placed himself between them.

‘You should be in your room. Either you go now, or I’ll have someone watch you twenty four out of seven.’

‘Eli, please let me talk to him.’ Kiseop tried, with a surprisingly pleading voice. ‘It will only take one minute.’

‘I’m warning you, go back.’

‘Where are you two going?’

‘Kiseop, you’re pushing things and I don’t like it.’

‘Eli’. Kevin spoke out of the blue, placing a hand on his shoulder. ‘It’s alright. I’ll go talk to him.’

‘What?’ he turned around, floored. He guided them farther from Kiseop, then let Kevin speak.

‘This is not working anymore.’ He said miserably. ‘I’ve been trying to avoid him and it’s obviously not working. Besides, I know Kiseop, he’s not going to give up until we talk. That’s why I wanted to go away for a night, to forget. I’ll be quick, I promise. I’ll make him understand. Wait for me, okay?’


‘Please. Then we’ll go as planned.’

‘Hurry up.’ Eli turned away.

Kevin went near Kiseop, who had been waiting patiently -and anxiously- for their conversation to be over. His face lightened up after noticing Eli being left alone, but didn’t raise his expectations as soon as Kevin signaled with his head towards the library. They entered in silence and Eli couldn’t help himself but stand by, afraid something might turn things on the wrong path. He almost felt like he was spying on them and hated himself - he trusted Kevin with all his heart and knew the younger wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, but couldn’t help and be sick at the thought of the two of them together, alone, in the darkness.

He stopped right before the doorframe and leaned against the wall, hoping to grasp at least a few words, but only heard whispers. One of them was pacing up and down the room, because he heard heavy footsteps dragged across the floor. It was stupid, but he felt somehow betrayed. Their voice tones haven’t got up since they started talking, not even by a notch, which impeded him from descrying anything.

When he decided they had been inside for far too long, he went in to take Kevin out of there and tell Kiseop to go screw himself. What he hadn’t expected, though, was the display of affection between them.

Eli stopped dead in his tracks, as Kiseop was holding his lover by the hand, kissing him with his eyes closed in a slow, tender manner. He felt his knees go weak, seeing Kevin not resist the gesture a bit, turning his head every so often to allow deeper contact. Just as Eli was about to go over them and beat the drivel out of Kiseop, Kevin pushed him away violently. They looked at each other for a second, before the younger burst out in a raging outcry.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ he screamed, taking one step back. Eli was immediately by his side and tugged on the hem of his jacket. ‘Don’t you talk to me ever again!’

He turned and left furiously, leaving Eli behind to gaze at Kiseop with hatred. He wanted to say something, but simply shot him a threatening glimpse and paced after Kevin, making a mental note to have a discussion with him the following day.

They carried in a fast rhythm side by side in silence until they reached the gates, at which point Kevin paused and breathed in the cold air surrounding them. Eli wanted to say something, but didn’t know what. The sense of deception he was undergoing was painfully there, drilling inside him without halt.

‘Eli.’ Kevin finally said in a small voice. ‘Say something.’

‘We should go home. I’ll call a cab.’ He replied stiffly.

‘Let’s walk.’ Kevin suggested. ‘It’s late and it’s almost nobody on the streets.’

They started strolling along the boulevard, Eli with his hands in his pockets and Kevin with an arm tangled around his. He knew it was only a method to make him calm down and get under his skin, but he’d be damned if he’d let him get away with it. He didn’t even know if he should be upset or not, since Kevin had undeniably repelled Kiseop’s intentions of going further, but Eli still had the image of them kissing achingly stuck inside his brain, which made him infuriated against his will.

‘You know it meant nothing.’ Kevin said after a few blocks. ‘I didn’t want it.’

‘You didn’t stop him from the beginning, though. You may not have wanted it, but you enjoyed it.’ Eli responded plainly, not wanting the grieve to be revealed.

‘Eli, come on. That’s not true. You know it.’

‘Do I?’

‘Yes you do.’ Kevin stopped and placed himself in front of him. Eli kept his gaze on the ground. ‘I would never do anything like that to you. I don’t want him there, I wanna see him gone.’

‘You and me both.’ Eli mumbled. Kevin smiled a little and kissed him on the lips. The older didn’t respond to it, just waited for Kevin to interrupt it, then continued walking.

‘What did you two talk about, anyway?’ he asked, letting Kevin link their arms once more.

‘He started telling me about how he missed me and wanted to come back. I told him I had you now and didn’t want anyone else, so he began selling me all these stories about how we could run away and live in… God-knows-where, and how I’d be happier with him and all this crap.’

‘That’s it? I mean, you sure took your time back there.’

‘Eli.’ Kevin sighed. ‘Just believe me. All he said means nothing. I didn’t even want to listen to him in the first place, but I knew I couldn’t avoid him forever. I had to make him understand. I’m not convinced I succeeded, but at least he got the essential.’

They walked without adding anything else, until they reached Eli’s apartment and entered noiselessly. Eli said he was tired and wanted to take a shower, so he reached the bathroom door before Kevin even had a chance to reply and locked himself in. Once inside, he stripped off all his clothes and let himself sink by the wall, waiting for the water to heat up. He heard the front door being closed, then a stillness taking over the entire house.

As soon as he got out he spotted Kevin sitting quietly on the edge of the bed, with his fingers joined in his lap. He looked hopefully at Eli, probably awaiting a sign of forgiveness of some sort, but he only received a pair of clean pajamas and an invitation to use the bathroom if he wanted to. He went in and back out faster than Eli had expected, after which they both climbed in and made themselves comfortable against the pillows.

‘Don’t you want to eat something?’ Eli asked.

‘I’m not hungry.’

‘Watch TV?’

‘Not really. I want to talk.’ He looked at him.

‘We talked.’

‘But you’re still upset.’

‘I’m not.’

‘Right. That’s why you only answer with a few syllables.’

Eli continued to stare at the ceiling. He only added that he felt tired after a while and turned on one side, with his back at Kevin. The younger immediately came closer and wrapped an arm around his waist, letting the tips of his fingers brush against his stomach. Eli didn’t react at all. Apparently Kevin didn’t take that as a complete rejection, so he scooted even closer, until he could place a kiss on Eli’s nape. The older one tensed and shifted uncomfortably.

Kevin moved with his kisses further up, until he reached his jaw line, his cheek and earlobe. He sucked on it for a while -Eli remained almost inert- then slipped his hand under his shirt and pressed firmly against the warm skin. Eli grabbed it and took it out.

‘I’m tired.’ He said sternly. ‘Let’s sleep.’

Kevin distanced himself, whispered a ‘Goodnight’ and closed his eyes.


A phone started beeping early in the morning, before the light even had a chance to make its way within the room. Eli woke up with a startle and instantly stopped it, then rubbed his eyes lazily and checked on Kevin. The younger was beginning to move slowly, until he gradually managed to half-open his eyes.

‘What time is it?’ he whispered sluggishly.

‘Five thirty. It’s still dark outside.’ Eli replied with a thick, husky voice.

‘Myeah. I can see that.’

He lifted himself on one elbow and kissed him on the cheek, not daring to persist like the night before. This time Eli didn’t seem to be bothered, though, because as soon as Kevin wanted to withdraw, he clutched onto his shirt’s collar and didn’t let go until they shared a proper, long kiss.

‘I’m sorry about last night.’ Eli said, keeping his forehead rested on Kevin’s.

‘Don’t be, you were right.’ He bumped his nose against Eli’s. ‘I shouldn’t have let him do that in the first place, because it seriously meant nothing and-’

Eli cut him off with a loud smooch. ‘I know, let’s forget about it.’

‘I have an idea.’


‘Let’s shower together. And while we’re at it, we can also take advantage that we won’t be bothered and, you know.’ Kevin smiled shyly.

‘Yes, I do.’ Eli grinned. ‘After you.’

They took their time while waiting for the warm water to kick in and took each other’s clothes off. Eli was the first to climb in and was instantly his by an avalanche oh half ice-cold, half burning hot water drops, which ran pleasant shivers down his spine and acted as a very efficient stimulus. He dragged Kevin along soon after, who trembled involuntarily, but didn’t complain.

He was immediately hold up against the wet wall, facing the cold surface with his palms pressing onto it. Eli got right behind him and started kissing his back, all the way down his spine, teasing the increasingly turned on Kevin. He grinned feeling him shifting with anticipation under his tongue action, so he held him firmly by the waist and proceeded with the provoking pecks. He then got up and turned Kevin to face him, kissed him longing and continued licking his neck, down his torso, stopping short of his growing erection. He knew what Kevin was expecting, but instead he just smiled and worked his way back up, repeating the process until the younger literally started begging for him to stop. Wrapping his hand around his manhood he took it all in and started sucking on it without even pausing for air, as Kevin grabbed him by the hair and began moving his hips forward.

His entire body tensed as he came surprisingly fast, spreading the slick substance all over the shower floor, before it was taken away down the drain. Almost incapable of speaking, he motioned for Eli to get up and spread his legs, allowing the older to lift him in the air, so that he could wrap his legs around his lower middle.

‘Shouldn’t we set you up, first?’ Eli asked against his lips.

‘Please.’ Kevin implored. ‘Just enter me.’

And he did, slow and careful at first, knowing how painful it may be without any sort of pre-base. The water and steams made things easier, though, since Kevin’s initial uncomfortable expression soon turned into a wanting one, as he closed his eyes and let his head rest on the wall. As the drops of water continued falling down on them, Eli started moving effortlessly, aided by Kevin’s lithe weight. He loved watching his face, he was fascinated how different it was from when they were talking or hanging around, how the sheen of sweat could still be spotted, even with all the water, how ecstatic it looked and how much it turned him on, how much he was enjoying it and how he was the only person ever allowed to see it.

‘Go faster.’ He whispered at some point, causing Eli to obey without hesitation. The friction his back had to deal with, caused by the cold, hard wall wasn’t particularly pleasant, but as soon as Eli changed the rhythm he couldn’t have cared less, as he began seeing stars. The sensation flooding him was beyond anything they’ve done before and Kevin made an inner promise to try it more often.

‘I’m close.’ Eli said, kissing his neck.

‘Me too. Don’t stop.’

‘I wouldn’t dare.’

They both came almost simultaneously. Kevin dug his short nails deep into Eli’s back as he let out a scream, while the other let his head fall backwards and felt wholly charged by the most heavenly sensation he had experienced in a long time. Eli waited for Kevin’s intense spasms to subdue, before sliding out of him as slow as ever, then turned off the water, took him in his arms and carried him naked to the bed. His lover barely opened his eyes the entire time, as he was still recovering from his high.

Eli bundled him in the largest and most cozy blanket he could find, then held him like a child for a few minutes, before speaking.

‘How am I going to work today? I have bottles of pills to count and registers to fill. My hands are still shaking.’

‘Now, now.’ Kevin kissed him on the cheek. ‘Don’t blame it on me. You have to admit we’re getting better and better at this. Even if I’ll probably have bruises on my back for a week.’

‘I can take care of those later.’ Eli said softly, caressing his hair. ‘That is, if you won’t be so tired that you’ll feel like sleeping the entire day.’

‘Already am. You can be really exhausting sometimes.’

Eli just laughed.

elvin, fanfic

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