Sep 27, 2007 21:08
This is random... but it's just the weirdest thing that has happened to me so far...
Okay... Well...
I was dreaming right? DREAMING, and my crackpotted friend Shasta will know what me DREAMING entails... People should really go and search for cover whenever I have these things, seriously... It's ridiculous!
I don't know where does this come from, but it's almost AU! I dreamt about this "retreat" as they call it in the Philippines (dunno if they do the same thing here...) where you went away for the weekend with your classmates to a random secluded place to "meditate" and "cleanse" yourselves... Usually done in Catholic schools, and you usually go to a church or the like. Given that I'm not Catholic (I'm Seventh-day Adventist, if you're wondering), I wasn't allowed to go with them (the bastards... ><), and so every year, I was always left out of conversations the monday after... According to what people told me, this trip was quite dramatic coz at some point, they brought their parents for an hour or something and they made the people "confess their sins", and really open up to them...
Well ANYWAY... back to the topic... I was apparently allowed to go to the retreat with my classmates (oh, and by the way, my friend informed me that after I left the Philippines, they started allowing people of other religions to join... WHY IS THE WORLD AGAINST ME?!). It was around 1 am in my dream and I couldn't sleep (aaahhh... the irony... ^^), so I went and sneaked out into the balcony of the room... (I didn't really know how the rooms worked because this was just a figment of my imagination... given that I have never been actually in one..., so this might not make sense... but then again, I never really make sense).
And in the balcony I saw my ex... I don't know how I recognized the back of his head but I did... (don't argue! It was HIM! ^^). He was staring into the star-studded sky, because I made sure it was star-studded (after all, this was a MY dream...) and I got one of my bright ideas!
He hadn't noticed me yet so I started tiptoeing my way to his back... and I got closer, and closer... and then put a hand on his left shoulder! (^_^)
Well, you would've thought he would've been just a bit startled... I mean come on, I just put a hand on his SHOULDER... it's not like I stabbed him or anything!
But nope!
With a twist of his body, he went swinging his arm...
and punched me...
1.) WTFH?!
2.) It was MY dream, MINE, not his! Why did I let him punch me?! Aren't I supposed to be able to control this?!
3.) I'm not finished yet!
Okay, so I get punched right?
Well the next morning, I woke up (without any yelling required from my parents, which was a first!) and was still very sleepy... Now, human nature made me want to go and rub my eye... and so I did.
And what freaked me out the most was that my stupid eye was SORE.
It was SORE!!
Annoyingly, painfully, stupidly and weirdly sore...
Now, how the hell do YOU explain THAT?!