Feb 03, 2009 00:51
So James was in the field all last week. He was home for the weekend and got back up monday morning for another full week in the field. It sucks having him gone and not having anyone else up here yet.
I have a WIC appointment Wednesday and am going to try and make it to the farmers market but i dont know yet. Other than that i have nothing outside of the house to do this week. Hopefully i will finally get all that cleaning done. The cleaning i have said i was going to do for forever now. Oh, well.
This weekend was pretty good. The other night instead of putting on the TV agian James and I did something different. I pulled the battleship board game out and we took turns sinking each others ship. It is so cute, James can be such a sore looser. I love him though. I got to talk to Adrienne again today which was nice.
Well, not too much more to say. My days are fairly uneventful. Oh yeah, i recieved my clept study books today. I guess that means i should start studying... wish me luck!