May 24, 2005 17:09
i don't think i have an immune system any more. i wore it out and now it just stops working. all i seem to be taking is pain pills for head aches that dont go away and alergy medicine for all of the zero things that i am alergic to, maybe my body has decided to catch up with me since i never used to get sick, like ever. We have friday off for some reason that i dont know why, i dont think we didn't use a snow day or something like that so i can't wait for this weekend because i'm spending it in oceanside with my oceanside girls and i'm o excited. we're going to a show sunday and then hanging out after. i need this weekend so bad. i started talking to my guidance councelor today about college and it was scary. and i am going to be the only english teacher who has a lack of knowledge on how to spell words.