Trade a textile to a firemaker, for one! Then keep it stoked and don't let it burn out. I think that's traditional.
But I love how anytime you talk to someone who's pooh-poohing textiles or a textile technology or tradition, what's covering their asses? People can't see it because they can't imagine being without it anymore.
And knowing the technology too... did I show you this?
It's just silly. But my point is, see, it's a textile technology, where do people think the bobbin came from? Hell, where do they think the computer came from, and the abstraction that went into representing things with bits, and binary thinking, and... it's like teaching computer programmers to read patterns, and they discover the principles they thought were new are in patterns from ages and ages ago.
there wouldn't even BE "civilization" without these tools.
if and when shit goes down, i'm glad i know how to make fabric, string, nets, baskets, clothing and much more things of necessity!
now i just need to learn how to make fire :)
But I love how anytime you talk to someone who's pooh-poohing textiles or a textile technology or tradition, what's covering their asses? People can't see it because they can't imagine being without it anymore.
And knowing the technology too... did I show you this?
btw, i see you made this:
i subscribed!
wow, your yarns and knitting are reaching new astronomical heights!
i am drooling all over myself about the salmon electric yarn. and your knitting! ohhhhhhhh!
your patience and fortitude are a force to be reckoned with!
someday i will learn to knit like you do...someday someday someday...
and spinning soooo fine! lacey goodness!
i am a cat and i want to fall into it all and purr!
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