Oct 26, 2006 23:29

But I'm not. I just got out of the shower and it's going to take a while for my hair to dry because I don't like to use the blow drier. Trying to get my hair to grow down to my waist healthy and nice. ;o) I think I really don't want to go to sleep although I'm a bit tired because I know that eventually I'm going to wake up and all the first grade classes are going on a Field trip tom. I'M DREADING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dislike field trips with a passion. They are emotionally draining for me. Even if we have enough parents going to help out. I don't know why. It's just the way it is. We are going to a pumpkin patch like 45 min. to an hour away from school, depending on traffic. That alone can be pretty bad when you got the little people asking every 10 seconds or so if we are there yet, or how long is it going to be before we get there. I have to think of some sort of an incentive to keep them from asking those questions more than twice. OH LORD HAVE MERCY!!!!

I still have a few things to share from the GodChicks conference I went to. I've been very busy with all the teaching stuff going on that I have not had a chance to share. Hopefully soon.

I'm also trying to enjoy my life and participate in activities I highly, highly enjoy, like dancing. I had my official second private lesson on ballroom dancing today. Last week it was Cha,cha,cha and today was Rumba. It's fun! I wish I had some one to practice with during the week. I'm thinking of picking up Tango on Monday nights, pre-ballet on Wed. cuz it's been a while since I had ballet, Thurs. belly dancing and ballroom. We'll see if I can accommodate all that. It sounds like a lot, but it would be my work out for the day and it would also serve as a means to release stress. Hmmm, I really like the idea. Hopefully it will happen. I've been thinking that I want to get trained as a dance instructor and go speak to the principal of the high school close to my house. I used to be in the ASB and he was the ASB advisor, so we know each other, because not only that but I also used to baby sit for him and his wife. It's going to be nice paying him a visit and perhaps talking to him about hirering me to give dance lessons at the high school. Instead of teaching little people to read maybe I can teach high schoolers to ballroom dance. I sure would love that. I'll pray about it.

Well, I'm going to end here because I still want to send some encouraging enotes to some people I know, and then I want to read the Bible and pray for a while, just have quality time with the LORD before I fall asleep. Hope you all are having sweet dreams. I'll pray for you. When you read this drop me a note. I'd love to hear how you're doing. Besitos.

Hay sigan practicando su Ingles gente bonita. Un buen dia de estos primeramente Dios, regreso y les tradusco lo que he estado escribiendo aqui ultimamete. Por el momento me despido. Que pasen buenas noches, que suenen con los angelitos. Besitos.
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