Jan 29, 2009 17:02
First order of business, I think everyone should post more entries, even if they are incoherent rants and rambles. You're lives are more interesting than mine and they keep me entertained in class when I've run out of people to laugh at on myspace and facebook.
Next, I'll try to update more now that I FINALLY HAVE MY OWN COMPUTER!!! Whooooo!! It was a long time coming, and I finally have a beautiful piece of technology to communicate with.
Lately, it feels like my brain is swimming through mud when people are talking to me or when I'm supposed to be doing something important. Which means that right now I want nothing more than to curl up on my bed and go to sleep. But I have an assignment due at 11pm tonight online and I haven't started yet. Yikes.
My heart hasn't been in school, I'm just going through the motions. I want to take a year off, but that goes against everything I have deeply believed for the thirteen years of my previous public education. I know it's hard with working two jobs and doing school but I must persevere. Right? Please tell me it will get better, because that's something I need to hear right now.
I'm not even going to waste blogspace talking about the recent budget cut proposal. I'm already strung out, I do not need anything else added on to that.
TWO HUGE POINTS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS: I turned nineteen, and I got promoted to a manager at Lucky!!!
Here's an incomplete list to keep you entertained of why I do not like English majors:
1) They dress so bad. There is no excuse for the styles they wear. Like a cross between William Shakespeare and a homeless man on 44th st.
2) They are just so intellectually superior to me that I should just slit my wrists now, because I will never quite grasp Dickinson or Austen the way they do in their all knowing way.
3) They always speak to the professors in the most pretentious irritating way. Example: "Oh yes, Bjork and I had the most illuminating discourse last night."
4) What the hell are they going to do with an english major other than, um, teach english?
5) Most of them, have NO idea what they're talking about. They are swimming in a sea of wrongness within their interpretation.
Okay, you've had enough.