Week 6 Winners!

Jun 05, 2006 16:55

Hard Day's Night - Best use of color:


Break on Through - Best actor or actress icon:


Shake Your Groove Thing - Best animated icon:


Something to Talk About - Best use of a quote/song lyric/any type of text:

pasadora in untold_verity

Who's Zoomin' Who - Best ship/couple icon:


Much too much - Best group icon (featuring at least three people):


Owner of a lonely heart - Best icon featuring only one person:


The Self-Destruct Button - Best Intern Icon:


Winning a Battle Losing the War - Best icon featuring anybody but the interns (no Meredith, Christina, George, Izzie or Alex):


Let it Be - Best base/textless icon:


Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer - Best funny icon:


Into You Like A Train - Best use of cropping:

watcher_junior in lambietoes

What Have I Done to Deserve This - Best emotional icon:


Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head - Special Category was...
The Girls - Icons with girls only.

ba4ever in _lushkink

Congratulations to all of the winners!

This weeks Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head - Special Category is...
Mask It - Icons where the person/people in the icon are wearing surgical masks.

Thank you papertiger05 for the idea! If you would like to submit an idea for the special category go here.

NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! We had a pretty good turn out of nominations last week but let's try to get even more! SO GET GOING ON THOSE NOMINATIONS!


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