(no subject)

Jun 10, 2004 11:05

Wow I haven't updated my journal in a long time!I've been at Cheerleading camp(where I was noticed for not eating very much by the other main flyer on our squad-sweeet victory!)She was soooo jealous!And I'm not going to pretend like I didn't love every bit of it! oh AND she asked everyone who the smallest person on our team was and they said ME!!!I was like wow this is Awesome.But enough bragging, because I really am not doing good at all with fasting. It was a lot easier to do that during the school year, but now that its summer it's like all everyone around me does is eat constantly-as if thats what our lifes should revolve around. Sometimes I wonder if I'm still ana because i end up binging so often. I did try to purge a few times but failed.--tips anyone??So now I'm remembering things I've learned off different websites like the fact that anas do have to eat to survive, they just heavly restrict what they eat. So that comforts me and also the fact of how much I exercise((I've been doing an hour on the elliptical nearly everyday plus weights and situps and running about a mile and 1/2))I just really need to keep in mind what matters most to me. I'm going on "family vaca"for 2 weeks and it actually will be easier to eat better because they hate when I eat a lot and encourage me to exercise. It really is just when I'm at home that I give in and eat a lot because its available.Anyways, I'm going to do better !I promise!I have new motivation with cheerleading. Girls want to stunt the lightest ones on the team cause they are the easiest, and I definately want to be the one going up!Plus , at pep ralleys I want to be noticed for how little I am! I haven't lost any weight(still 105) but I know I will if I go through with all my goals.I m et a really awesome friend online that has been responding to my comments but I let her down because we were suppossed to fast together but I didn't get online for a long time to receive the message!I feel so bad but we are going to do it when I get back home!Well I got to go pack but I love my anas!
Anne Olsen
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