In Which I Was Away

Mar 30, 2012 14:14

On Thursday the 18th Will and I packed our baskets and wool sacks, and on Friday morning we headed down to Jamestowne to the 29th annual Military Through the Ages. We took 301 down and took some side-trips along the way: we visited Cold Harbor battlefield, and then took 5 to Jamestown to see a few 17th and early 18th century plantation houses, and Westover Episcopal Church, founded in 1625 with the present building from 1731. We saw the lovely sanctuary, strolled around the grounds of the church, looked at the gravestones and the river, and then headed into camp to help set up. After the camp was ready we had dinner and then I retired to our tent to finish sewing my shirt (it's not MTA if you're not completing a project you need the next day) by candlelight while Will took a shower. We put our two straw ticks together and snuggled under a sheet and plenty of wool blankets, and I slept quite well.

Saturday was busy and downright hot in the afternoon - not ideal weather for wearing a heavy wool gown. I was playing Robert, Stephen's Valet, and wearing Will's clothes while he wore loaner clothes. Although I thought I was used to being a guy because of 1812 it was hard to adjust to being Robert after four years of playing Agnes, and I felt uncomfortable in my unfamiliar clothes (also joined hosen are a complete pain - an ankle-length skirt is more convenient than juggling joined hose with a dagger, a purse, and a gown) and not sure what to do around the camp. However, the food was delicious - soups, pies, and roasted meat, deliciously seasoned and in plentiful quantity as usual. That evening I hung out around the fire with people for a little while, and went to bed early. Being out in the dark without artificial light puts me right to sleep.

Sunday's weather was just a tad hot, but I felt more comfortable in my clothes and got to help Stephen put on his armor, which was really cool. I'd never helped dress a man at arms before and suddenly armor makes a lot more sense to me. Pass and review was dull and long and hot as always, but we took down the rest of camp relatively fast and were on our way by 7. The drive home was uneventful, and I had just enough momentum to hang out our wool stuff to air out, sort out our dirty linen, and shower before going to bed. The next week was busy in a quiet sort of way, getting ready for spending a week house and pet sitting for my aunt Theresa and uncle Scott in Gaithersburg while they visited their daughter in Japan.

I metroed out after work last Friday and began looking after their two dogs (a rough collie and a border collie), cat, two snakes, koi pond, three indoor fish tanks, and assorted potted plants. On Saturday I met Will, Ben and Maxine, and Ben's mom in DC for a delightful lunch and catching up, and then Will and I headed back to Gaithersburg to walk the dogs and have a few friends over to watch Up and Justic League Unlimited and cocktails - a thoroughly excellent evening, and Up was a wonderful movie. The opening montage made me get all sniffly. The next morning I made French toast for everyone (burnt on the outside and underdone in the middle as I struggled to learn how to cook on the electric stove) and Will, Dausman, and I headed down to the National Cathedral for church. The service was lovely (they played Wondrous Love!), we were complimented on our singing, and we ran into a Johnnie who graduated with me and was sitting in front of us - a small world. We headed back to Annapolis for the WFRP game, and after a fun and revealing session Will drove me back to New Carrolton and I metroed back to Theresa's.

My week of house sitting was pretty exhausting - the commute to the Fogler is an hour and 30 minutes each way, I slept poorly most nights, and looking after the pets took a lot of time, so I haven't done much this week except deal with the pets, struggle to find the energy to feed myself, commute, and go to bed at 10 to get up at 6, but between walking the dogs, biking to the MARC/walking to the bus stop, and walking from Union Station/Capitol South to work I've gotten in a lot of exercise. Waiting for the MARC in Gaithersburg in the sunny mornings was nice, though later this week I wussed out and just took the bus to Shady Grove. Getting around that part of Montgomery County by public transit is surprisingly convenient and fuss-free.

Living in the suburbs after spending my entire adult life in downtown Annapolis was weird. I had only lived in the suburbs as a minor without a drivers license, and I'd forgotten about things like garage door openers and the lack of liquor stores or restaurants within walking distance. On the other hand, living in a house with a thermostat was pretty amazing. I'm looking forward to going home this afternoon and checking on my seedlings, riding my bicycle, seeing Will, and going to the Friday night lecture on the Matthaus-Passion.
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