things I did today . . .

Feb 10, 2005 23:59

- slept in late

- took a nice long morning shower

- watched FlaixTV, the Catalan equivalent of MTV while eating a nice relaxed breakfast

- tried to turn on the family's broken computer lazily twice, then gave up

- went to the Universitat to use the computer and internet

- found a place with girls on loquo and called them

- turned in my Semester I professor evaluation forms and received my grades . . . all A's, A+ except for a B+ in Comentario de Textos. I am not upset I got a B+ ~ the important thing about that class is that I learned a lot and was able to apply that information in my final paper in my UB course, Poesía Siglo XX (long ass paper, but I SO got an A on it!).

- went and saw an amazing place with big windows and nice bilingual people that's only a stone's throw from where I live now (I hope I get it!)

- since I was so close to home, decided to come back and have a nice healthy mediodía

- spent a rather long time eating, then hopped onto the metro to take a leisurely ride to Sagrada Familia to go see another place with girls - it's really cheap, the room is small, but the people seem nice (I could live there if the other place falls through!)

- upon walking into the establishment above, I got a text message rejecting me from a piso I THOUGHT I had, oh well, this just means I'm meant to find a better place

- decided to take a walk down Calle Marina so I could take a stroll along the beach, take off my shoes and just dig my toes in the sand while hearing the waves, appreciated the blues and greens of the water, and then seeing the distant figures of surfers starting an early spring

- proceeded to the Barceloneta Metro stop where I met a good friend I haven't seen in a while

- together, Daniel and I wandered Barrio Gótico, and the Raval, stopping to pick up some really good cookies from his childhood at the Asian Alimentación, and then later for a café con leche and later still a modern, chic, restaurant that serves food in balls of rice and has an interesting seating scheme . . . steps that you sit on

- to top off the night we wandered around a bit more, arrived at the Passeig de Gracia metro stop, where he hopped on to go home, and I decided to walk the 20-30 odd minutes home

- as you all should know, Ana walking somewhere usually doesn't get there right away and usually gets distracted :P ~ I happened on a late night book store/café/almost convenience store/children toy store/media store ~ and stayed there for probably about 2 hours, picking up a 1.70 euro mini-mag of Glamour (that came with a free perfume vial!)

- walked the rest of the way home, and happened on a Pakistani lawyer who was either asking me for directions to a street that I don't think exists (or at least I don't know of it) OR trying to get me to go back to his place and get some booty ~ yeah, I got out of that quickly - ALTHOUGH I forgot to mention that on my stroll down Marina, I did my random good deed of the day and helped a family of Holland tourists find a metro stop so the bus schedule would stop confusing them

- now I'm home, updating because today was a rather fascinating day and soon I will open my mini-mag and relax some more, so I can wake up tomorrow leisurely late and try to get other things done
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