Barcelona Barcelona
Barcelona Barcelona
I had this perfect dream
-Un sueño me envolvió
This dream was me and you
-Tal vez estás aquí
I want all the world to see
-Un instinto me guiaba
A miracle sensation
My guide and inspiration
The wind is a gentle breeze
-Él me hablo de ti
The bells are ringing out
-El canto vuela
Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon
Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun
Por ti seré gaviota de tu bella mar
Barcelona - Suenan las campanas
Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo
If God is willing
-If God is willing
If God is willing
Friends until the end
Viva - Barcelona
*All photos are shot by me in the city of Barcelona, Spain 11 - 14 June 2010.
*1:Sagrada famiglia, 2:Casa Bartlo, 3-7: Port de Barcelona, 8&9: Fountain de Montjuic, 10-Olympic area, 11-13: Park Guel, 14-16:Park de Ciutadella
*Song lyrics used: Queen "Barcelona".
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