May 12, 2007 17:54
I'm so HAPPY!! lol ('cause I'm listening to the song HAPPY and I'm HAPPY olololool1)
I went to the mall iwth Krissy today and actually got clothes that DON'T suck! *dance* I got a red shirt with like white pintucks (HARD TO EXPLAIN), a white shirt with some blue and multi-coloured star, black shorts with white stars, and an adorable bright pink dress with dark pink stars. LOL I LOVE STARZ.
I don't know what else to say. EXCEPT MY COMPUTER IS CRAPPY. I think it's on the verge of breaking! ^_^ OH JOY. WAY TOO MCUH JOY. THIS JOY IS JUST SOGREAT IT IS UNEXPLAINABLE THAT'S HOW FULL OF JOY I AM WITH. *rolls eyes*
I should stop rambling now. ._.