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Mar 16, 2012 20:18

В продолжение темы о Брауне и Ньюи нашлось замечательное интервью с Эдрианом:

You seem to have been fighting Ross Brawn for the last 15 years for the championship, through different teams and different roles. What are your feelings on that?
“We do seem to be clashing against each other on track, which is great isn't it? I think it is interesting that we end up that way, because whilst at various times we occupy the same job title, the way we go about doing the job could hardly be more different. So I guess it is quite interesting that despite that very different approach, both approaches appear to deliver the results.”

What would your CV look like if he hadn't been around?
“It would be boring!”

How do you define the difference in your approaches?
“Ross is obviously a gifted engineer, but you need to speak to him about how he runs his technical teams. From what I hear though, he takes a fairly managerial approach to engineering and the job of technical director. Whereas my interest and strength has never been management. What I love and what gets me up is design, in the broadest sense of the word. I don't just mean mechanical design, but also aerodynamics and the overall performance package of the car. That is what I find exciting about motor racing. I like being hands on.”


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