Woah, no sabeis el subidón que te da cuando la gente a la que admiras ves que tiene cosas que has hecho tu en su LJ. Por ejemplo acabo de darme cuenta de que
cryptictac tiene la animación del huddykiss en su sidebar dándome crédito y linkeando este LJ y es &hearts &hearts porque ME ENCANTAN sus videos y mi sueño es hacer videos como los que hace ella que no lo conseguiré porque sus videos son imaginativos y totalmente love y yo de imaginación no tengo mucha ^^U
En realidad mi mayor sueño es ser editora de XF3 (si se hace) después de ver el making of y ver la cantidad de gente que trabaja ahí en postproducción y creo que editora o director de fotografía son las cosas más fáciles de hacer con mis conocimientos porque hacer videos musicales es algo así como editar y la fotografía es darle otro color diferente y retocar los detalles y de eso estoy autoaprendiendo con el Vegas. Y por cierto creo que el programa que utilizan ahí es el Premiere por lo menos me sonaba mucho la interfaz, claro que yo utilizaba el 6 y ya irán por el Pro CS4 que será como el 10 o por ahí. Que eso, Chris cuando hagais la peli llamame que estoy disponible y prometo o no no colgar las escenas eliminadas en youtube. Al menos hasta que no se estrene XD
Pasando a otras cosas:
_nereis_ dió el soplo en su LJ que canon está imprimiendo gratis fotos como prueba de sus impresoras de las imágenes que tu quieras. Y claro yo no me he podido resistir y ya he pedido las que veis ahi. Buen en realidad me falta una porque puse otra foto del beso (oh, SHUT UP! :P) pero seguramente los de canon pensaron que con dos fotos de ese momento me bastaba XD Todavía me quedan cinco o seis impresoras que probar porque son 21 impresoras = 21 fotos y lo único malo es que al ser gratis pues te las mandan con marca de agua debajo y al lado pero si elegís bien las fotos (no como yo que aunque lo sabía no me pude resisitir a mandar la de Lisa y el collage de Gillian) se os puede quedar bien como por ejemplo la mia de la foto promo de XF que es la que más me gusta de todas &hearts &hearts y también tienen que tienen que superar unas medidas concretas pero como veis he hecho trampas en alguna foto y con el ps las he pegado en un fondo con las medidas reglamentarias y tengo foto igual.
Ah si, la web que se me olvidaba:
http://www.yourprint.canon-europe.com/ Icono: Liz diciendo YAY!! O mejor dicho yay >_< Lo mio con 30 Rock ya empieza a ser preocupante y está alcanzando los niveles de XF o House. Es más creo que de estas dos no empecé a hacer iconos a la semana de empezar a verla :P
(Iba a decir que mi conexión hoy se portaba bien pero está empezando a fallar ahora asi que... ¬¬)
Hoy es martes y no hay House. Sniiiiiif T_T Para pasar el mal rato unas cuantas quotes huddys.
Cuddy: I was expecting you in my office 20 minutes ago.
House: Really? Well, that’s odd, because I had no intention of being in your office 20 minutes ago.
Cuddy: You think we have nothing to talk about?
House: No, just that I can’t think of anything that I’d be interested in.
Cuddy: I sign your paychecks.
House: I have tenure. Are you going to grab my cane now, stop me from leaving?
Cuddy: That would be juvenile.
[Both enter the elevator]
Cuddy: I can still fire you if you’re not doing your job.
House: I’m here from 9 to 5.
Cuddy: Your billings are practically nonexistent.
House: Rough year.
Cuddy: You ignore requests for consults.
House: I call back. Sometimes I misdial.
Cuddy: You’re 6 years behind on your obligation to this clinic.
House: See, I was right, this doesn’t interest me.
Cuddy: 6 years, times 3 weeks; you owe me better then 4 months.
House: It’s 5:00. I’m going home.
Cuddy: To what?
House: Nice.
Cuddy: Look, Dr. House, the only reason that I don’t fire you is because your reputation still worth something to this hospital.
House: Excellent, we have a point of agreement. You aren’t going to fire me.
Cuddy: Your reputation won’t last up if you don’t do your job. The clinic is part of your job. I want you to do your job.
House: Well, like the philosopher Jagger once said, “You can’t always get what you want.”
House: You pulled my authorization.
Cuddy: Yes, why are you yelling?
House: No MRIs, no imaging studies, no labs.
Cuddy: You also can’t make long distance phone calls.
House: If you’re gonna fire me at least have the guts to face me.
Cuddy: Or photocopies; you’re still yelling.
House: I’m ANGRY! You’re risking a patient’s life.
Cuddy: I assume those are two separate points.
House: You showed me disrespect, you embarrassed me and as long as I’m still work here you have…[interrupted]
Cuddy: Is your yelling designed to scare me because I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be scared of. More yelling? That’s not scary. That you’re gonna hurt me? That’s scary, but I’m pretty sure I can outrun ya. Oh, I looked into that philosopher you quoted, Jagger, and you’re right, “You can’t always get what you want,” but as it turns out “if you try sometimes you get what you need.”
House: So, because you want me to treat patients, you aren’t letting me treat patients.
Cuddy: I need you to do your job.
Pilot - 1X01
House: Dr. Cuddy, great outfit.
Cuddy: What are you doing back here? Patient?
House: No, hooker. Went to my office instead of my home.
Cuddy: How’s your hooker doing?
House: Oh, sweet of you to ask, funny story, she was going to be a hospital administrator, but hated having to screw people like that.
Cuddy: I heard you found her on the roof.
House: You have very acute hearing.
Cuddy: You notify the parents?
House: In due course, of course.
Cuddy: And is there a paternity bet on the father of the patient?
House: Doesn’t sound like me.
Wilson: Well, it does actually, but that doesn’t mean you’re guilty.
House: You think?
Cuddy: I saw the parents in the lobby, smart money is obviously on the father.
House: [Stage whisper] My guy knows a guy who can get you in for $50 bucks.
Cuddy: Fine. You tell your guy if I win, you attend the faculty symposium and you wear a tie.
House: And if I win, no clinic hours for a week.
Cuddy: My guy will call your guy.
Cuddy: You can’t order a $3,200 DNA test to win a bet.
House: It’s not an actual cost. I don’t know if you know this, but the hospital actually owns the sequencing machine.
Cuddy: I’m serious.
House: Well, tell the parents to submit the bill to insurance.
Cuddy: Insurance is not going to pay for a bet.
House: It should. If we don’t make that bet, the kid dies. If not for the paternity bet, I never would have taken their DNA, without their DNA we never would have discovered that Dan was adopted, which was the key to this case. You just don’t want to pay your end. Big mistake. My guy knows a guy.
Cuddy: Fine. I will let you out of clinic duty for one week, after you pay the $3,200 for the PCR test.
[House sighs and picks up his cane. He limps over to her desk, and slams his cane down.]
Cuddy: Whoo.
House: Well now, there’s the $100 you owe me, there’s the $100 I won from Cameron, $200 I took off of Foreman, and $600 I got from Wilson. Very bitter.
Paternity - 1X02
Cuddy: Hi.< I’m Dr. Cuddy.< Nice to meet you.
House: Dr. Cuddy, thanks for the consult. [He closes the Gameboy.] His throat seems to have some condition.
Cuddy: Say “Ah”.
Patient. Ah.
Cuddy: He has a sore throat.
House: Of course! Yes, why didn’t I… I mean, because he said that… it hurt, and I, I should have deduced that meant it was sore…
Cuddy: I was in a board meeting.
House: Patients come first, right?
Cuddy: Wouldn’t want to prescribe a lozenge if there was any doubt about it’s efficacy, huh?
House: You once asked why I think I’m always right, and I realized that you’re right… at least, I think you’re right. I don’t really know now, do I? [Cuddy smiles.]
House: The patient could have died.
Cuddy: The one with the pulled muscle.
House: Well, those symptoms are consistant with a dozen other conditions. I, you know, I, I’m entitled to a consult!
Cuddy: You are not getting out of clinic duty.
House: Oh, come on.< You’ve got a hundred other idiot doctors in this building who go warm and fuzzy everything they pull a toy car out of a nose, you don’t need me here.
Cuddy: No, I don’t, but working with people actually makes you a better doctor.
House: When did I sign up for that course?
Cuddy: When did I give you the impression that I care? [pause]
House: Working in this clinic obviously instills a deep sense of compassion. [He starts to walk out.] I’ve got your home number, right? In case anything comes up at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Cuddy: It’s not going to work. You know why?< Because this is fun.< You think of something to make me miserable, I think of something to make you miserable: it’s a game!< And I’m going to win, because I got a head start. You are already miserable. [Cuddy leaves her office, and runs into Wilson.]
Wilson: Uh…
Cuddy: Is this important?
Wilson: Uh, no.
Cuddy: No. [She leaves, as House exits her office.]
Wilson: What’s with you and her?
House: Don’t.
Wilson: Do you have a thing for her? The only people who can get to you -
House: No! There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate.
The Occams Razor 1X03
Y hasta aquí hoy. Además así aprovecho para deciros que leais
este pedazo de ensayo de
bbarnet sobre el huddy que a mi me ha encantado y que tiene como titulo The Thin Line Between Love And Hate y habla de la evolución del huddy.