Okay, here is a link that I am shamelessly borrowing from a coment posted in a friends's post :). I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools, so I love the song. I wasn't beaten up physically like the lyrics in the song say that the guy was, I had a lot of confidence issues because of how many people treated me while I was in school. Also, I kept asking the priests , "Why is this the right path? Why are other religions wrong?" Beginning of the switch to Paganism :). Kind of interesting to note my Irish heritage and that side of the family is very Catholic and was somewhat pushy with their beliefs (my mom has been more open minded though, but we don't discuss religion).
Here's the link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tr80GX5UbA Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It made a lot a lot of sense to me :).
Oh, and this is one of my few Public posts :).