kill them all!

Apr 05, 2010 18:01

As requested by lancelotfan, here is the tutorial to make a header like mine, I hope this will be helpful! The cap is from Ausxip but, unfortunately, they deleted all Spartacus caps and I didn’t have saved the original cap on my computer. So there won’t be any coloring step. As a bonus to this one, I'll share with you two more tutorials I've made for xena_stills some months ago. ;D Here we go!

Tutorial #01:

Program: Paint Shop Pro XI.
Translatable: Yes, I think it is.

Tutorial #01:

#01 - Choose your screencap, resize it and use any coloring you like. Here’s mine:

#02 - Now copy your picture and paste it as a new layer in a new canvas (780x300 in this case).
#03 - Duplicate your layer. Image >> Mirror (or Rotate Canvas >> Flip Horizontal with Photoshop). Then select the part of the image where stand Sura & Spartacus and delete your selection. You’d probably have to move the layer until it fits with the first one. When it looks like only one picture, you can merge the layers. Here we are:

#04 - Now go back to your screencap and resize it. I changed to height to 150px. Choose the Lasso tool (progressivity: 18px) and trace around the character you want. Copy your selection and paste it as a new layer in your background image. Move the layer and use the Eraser tool if necessary. You should have something like that:

#05 - The header looks a little bit plain. I added some text but you can also add textures, brushes, even other images. You can do whatever you want!
For this header: “Sura” is Velvet at size 200px set to Soft Light. “Silent tears…” is HenryMorganHand at size 48px set to Soft Light.
#06 - DONE!

Tutorial #02:

Program: Paint Shop Pro XI
Translatable: Yes, I think it is.

Tutorial #02:
#01 - Choose your screencap and resize it. For mine, I changed to width to 100px.
#02 - Then copy and paste as a new layer into a new canvas (100x100). You should have something like that:

#03 - As you noticed, there is no background color. For this icon, I choose the Flood Fill tool and fill the background layer with black (#000000).

#04 - Here is the coloring step. First, I merge the layers.

a. Duplicate your layer. Set to Screen, opacity 78%.

b. New raster layer. Set to Multiply 80% and fill with #e0c7a4.

c. New adjustment layer >> Color balance.
Midtones: 25, -4, 23.
Shadow: -31, 5, 15.
Highlights: -18, 8, -6.

d. New adjustment layer >> Curves. Opacity 66%.
Channel: RGB.
First node: 108, 130.
Second node: 148, 167.
Third node: 186, 204.

e. New adjustment layer >> Hue/Saturation/Lightness.
Reds: put the hue to 3 and the saturation to 26.
Yellows: put the saturation to -15.

f. New raster layer. Set to Exclusion 34% and fill with #094e6e.

g. New raster layer. Set to Soft Light 66% and fill with #e4f9eb.

h. Duplicate your background layer and drag it to the top. Set to Darken 60%.

i. New adjustment layer >> Color balance. Opacity 64%.
Midtones: -14, -24, 13.
Shadow: -10, 13, 25.
Highlights: -4, 5, -6.
#05 - Merge all layers and sharpen. Here we are:

#06 - Last step: adding a texture. This one:
Copy and paste as a new raster layer. Set to Screen.
#07 - DONE!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. ;)

Tutorial #03:

Program: Paint Shop Pro XI
Translatable: Yes, I think it is.

Tutorial #03:

#01 - Choose your screencap and resize it. For mine, I changed to height to 120px (because I don’t want Callisto).
#02 - Then copy and paste as a new layer into a new canvas (100x100). You should have something like that:

#03 - For this icon, I use the same coloring as the first tutorial with two differences. First, I merge the layers.

a. Duplicate your layer. Set to Screen, opacity 78%.

b. New raster layer. Set to Multiply 80% and fill with #e0c7a4.

c. New adjustment layer >> Color balance.
Midtones: 25, -4, 23.
Shadow: -31, 5, 15.
Highlights: -18, 8, -6.

d. New adjustment layer >> Hue/Saturation/Lightness.
Reds: put the hue to 3 and the saturation to 26.
Yellows: put the saturation to -15.

e. New raster layer. Set to Soft Light 66% and fill with #e4f9eb.

f. Duplicate your background layer and drag it to the top. Set to Darken 60%.

g. New adjustment layer >> Color balance. Opacity 64%.
Midtones: -14, -24, 13.
Shadow: -10, 13, 25.
Highlights: -4, 5, -6.
#04 - Merge all layers and sharpen. Here we are:

#05 - The next step is a little bit difficult because I don’t know if I’ll be clear.
So, choose the Lasso tool (progressivity: 12) and trace around the characters. You should have selected the screencap background. Then go to Settings >> Blur >> Gaussian blur, radius 20. You should have something like that:

#06 - Now the icon looks a little bit plain. So, I add some text. In this icon: “Xena & Gabrielle”. You can choose whatever you want.
For mine, I used Georgia at size 8, padding 200.
First text in upper case, layer set to Soft Light 43%.
Second text in lower case, layer set to Soft Light 100%.
#07 - DONE!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. ;)


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