Feb 07, 2008 18:45
Cordelia is dethroned... Amber is SO much better than she is, and Cordy knows it.
More fun Whedonism-- Buffy speaks in her near-incomprehensible slang, and Giles translates it into his near-incomprehensible
Giles: But that's the thrill of living on the Hellmouth! (sits on the
edge of the table) There's a veritable cornucopia of, of fiends and
devils and, and ghouls to engage. (everyone looks at him) Pardon me for
finding the glass half full.
A great line. :)
The conversation between Buffy and Joyce is so illustrative of their relationship-- Joyce trying
to get her gallery and worklife going, only-child Buffy (just wait...) feeling neglected, and
using Amy's oppressive mom as an example of what Joyce COULD be... sweet and encroaching. Joyce
points out that a mom who spends 3 hours training with her daughter doesn't have enough to do,
which is so true. :)
Buffy does sense that, and tells Amy that maybe she doesn't need to move "lockstep" into mom's
shoes. We see that Amy's mom hit her apex in high school and never moved on-- won the big
championship and Homecoming queen, and Amy feels inadequate.
Cordy sounds like Amy's mom-- only with her own twist:
Cordelia: I have a dream. It's me on the cheerleading squad, adored by
every varsity male as far as the eye can see! We have to achieve our
dreams, Amy. Otherwise we... wither and die! (That sounds like Joyce, actually. :)
Amy: Look, I'm sorry about...
Cordelia: (cuts Amy off) Shhh! If your supreme klutziness out there
today takes me out of the running, you're gonna be so *very* beyond
sorry! (smiles) Have a nice day.
Cordelia is SUCH a bitch.
Poor Willow:
Xander: That's why you're so cool! You're like a guy! You're my guy
friend that knows about girl stuff!
Buffy and Amy are alternates-- doesn't bother Buffy, but Amy is destroyed.
Buffy is wearing a black-and-white sheath that my mom might have worn in the 50s. Sometimes
she wears the oddest costumes.
Amy's mom has a very nice house for a cosmetologist. :)
More cauldron-- voice but no visual of the witch. And she's going after Cordelia!
We learn that Joyce was a nerd. She pulls out her yearbook, and shows that she was on the
yearbook staff. Not the cheerleader type. Buffy points out, "I'm not you, Mom." This episode is about,
I realize, parents and children! And it so sets up Giles as a surrogate dad, at least to come. He wants
Buffy to be like him-- well, with Slayer powers-- thoughtful, responsible, dutiful. Joyce too-- why
can't Buffy have fun with the yearbook staff, something nerdy? But Catherine is really the Mommy
Dearest poster child-- she wants her daughter to be her second chance to be great again.
Oh, I never remembered this! XANDER first mentions Spike! Or at least one way he got the name:
Xander: Will, yeah, that is the point, you don't have to drive it
through my head like a railroad spike. I'm gonna take your advice and
not beat around the bush.