
Oct 09, 2007 00:29

I'm ok now, just had one of those mental breakdown things that comes for those with mental issues... ie, drama.

Anywho, I'm excited for Nanowrimo! I haven't decided what to write for it, except I have this one plot bunny but it is WAY too serious and depressing and probably won't do much to improve my mood.

But I have been writing happy, light fluffy drabbles and posting them on that's good. ^-^

I need a happy plot bunny then. Romance is always good, but that might have an averse effect... since I have no boyfriend, that may not make me happy. So what else? I could become sadist and torture and kill off characters... that's exciting.

I really want to do Nano, but I'm afraid I won't have time because of evil English class that kills me. But I want to try, I want to reclaim the one thing that made me so happy and I could be proud of before I went on exchange: my writing. So we'll see how this goes.
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