I did it!

Oct 02, 2007 01:12

OMG!   I did it! Ok, granted, it's probably the worst thing I've written in years, but I finished it. I wrote it. I published it on ff.net. Thus, I succeed!

I stayed up until 1 am writing this short, 700 word one shot about Numair, but it's the first thing I've managed to write in a LONG time. It's not fantastic (far from) but it's a start. Since it's been over a year since I've written anything, it's not horrible, and I really need to get back in the swing of writing again if I want to do NanoWriMo this year.

So yeah... High fives to me.

Oh, btw, does anyone know any good theme challenge communities? I forget what they're called... ugh. Anyway, good night!
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