Things Are Looking Up

Jul 11, 2010 07:43

I got a promotion. YAY! I'm quite nervous though because I haven't been a manager in 8 months, and now I'm going from a regular associate to an Assistant General Manager with no training as to what's changed task-wise and such for my position. Should prove to be exciting, to say the least.

Currently reading "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Regardless as to whether or not you believe they're complete hacks (Esther claims to "channel" a group of Non-Physical entities known as 'Abraham'), the core of what they write about is very uplifting, and if people would just give it a chance, I think they would find that it puts them in a fairly great mood after reading. :-)

What other random facts can I write about today, hmm... Oh, yes, READY for "Vampire Diaries" to be back on-air. I love my "True Blood", but my hatred for certain character outweighs my love for others when I'm watching. It's not like that with "Vampire Diaries". I dislike Stefan, and only when he's around Elena. Plus, the pace of the writing and the suspense definitely keep me more entertained than "True Blood". Yeah, go ahead, flame me.

I'm also reading "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare... Sigh. I'm completely aware of her history with plagiarism which is why it took me so long to read this series, and it's good, don't get me wrong about that, but I'm seeing entirely too many similarities between "Harry Potter" and other works that have somehow been written into this one. It's very unnerving because she's a great writer, albeit a bit too descriptive (for example, when your sentence is literally three lines long because you've used about six descriptive adjectives on two different objects, one might say you're reaching for something to say and/or trying to fulfill a word requirement given to you by your Creative Writing professor), and she has to pull from all of these different published works to make a story. Eh, whatever, I suppose. She's still published. :-/

Okay, I've got nothing now. Off to work!

P.S. That supernatural epic I've been working on for quite some time is finally coming along. Oh, but if I could write a convincing sex scene! 
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