Title: Ghost of the past
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
atlinmerrick. Day 214.
Day 214 - Sherlock is watching John. )
Comments 7
I love this one - you brilliantly display Sherlock's vulnerability without taking him at all out of character. Not an easy thing to do!
I can assure you that if I was next to Sherlock stretched out on the sofa in nothing more than his dressing gown I'd pay attention to him. A lot of attention. Oh yes.
It’s an old... buddy of mine.
Argh, this tiny pause between old and buddy.
The warm presence is gone so fast it seems as if someone yanked John away.
Mycroft? Again?
Sherlock exhales and leans forward until his head rests against John’s belly.
Aww. I love this ending. It's not a happy ending, it's quite bittersweet. You can't break your insecurities just like that. I really love your vulnerable!Sherlock.
I'm happy to hear that you liked it!
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