Fic: 221B - What is love if not this?

Oct 26, 2012 21:28

Title: What is love if not this?
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by atlinmerrick.

Previous 221b: Words don't come easy

Today's prompt: hurt


What is love if not this?

'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’

Probably the most incorrect and stupid proverb ever, John thinks.

Children learn as soon as they can talk that words are the most hurtful weapon to choose. They learn by experience that being shoved to the ground causes a wound that bleeds and heals, while being told that you are ugly or stupid or not wanted as a playmate causes one that stays with you for a long time, it festers and re-opens every time you feel insecure about yourself.

Sherlock rarely talks about his childhood, John had to put most of it together himself, but when he does talk about it, there is a look in his eyes as if John is looking directly at the wounded and scared and lonely boy he once was.

But even now John can see the pain it causes him every time Donovan calls him a freak.

They never talk about these incidents, because John knows that words don’t help. Over the years he has learned other ways to reassure Sherlock that he is beautiful, brilliant and so very much wanted.

He has learned to prevent some of these situations before they even happen and in case he can’t do that, he afterwards weaves his love around Sherlock like a blanket.

Next 221b: The icing on the cake

Today's prompt was 'hurt'.
I hate the title. Was all I could come up with at the moment though...

I need to stop posting these so late. I wouldn't have to put 'tired' or 'sleepy' as my mood nearly all of the time ... *sighs*


hurt, this is kinda dark, 221b, sherlock_bbc, slash, character insight, hurt/comfort, prompt-fill, love, 365 days challenge, sherlock/john, i'm sorry

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