Fic: Blow-by-blow (2/7)

Jul 06, 2011 19:50

Title: Blown up expectations
Words: 1987
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: um, please read the summary.
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Beta: the diet version of verityburns *lol*
Disclaimer: Sadly the characters are not mine and no money is made (that would be sooo cool!).

Summary: This is the second chapter of my 'Blow-by-Blow' series following my 221B 'Q&A'
(Yes, that's the one with the blowjob, you can find it here )

Chapter 2: Blown up expectations

The next day everything seemed back to normal. Sherlock did not let show that anything happened the night before. John decided to act accordingly.

But he could not forget what happened, it was too incredible. He allowed himself three days in which he used the shower excessively to wank to the mental images of Sherlock experiencing his first blowjob.

After that he put everything in a neat little box in a dark corner of his mind. He knew that sooner or later the content would start to claw its way out of there, making the damn box rattle and shake like something from a horror movie until it spilled out and tortured him again.

It didn’t come to that, because four days after ‘the incident’ (as John called it in his head) Sherlock walked in the living room while John was brewing tea in the kitchen.

‘Morning. You want some breakfast?’

‘No, I need to go to the Yard.’

But instead of hearing Sherlock storm out, which would have been his usual modus operandi, John heard nothing. He turned around and Sherlock just stood in the door frame, looking at him. John made a small startled sound, because he hadn't heard him move.

Sherlock looked decidedly too good, his slender figure almost melting into the wood, his piercing gaze resting on John, making his heart stutter.

‘John. About that case?’

‘Er...’ Was all John could manage.

‘Unfortunately I still have not solved the case. Though very informative, the ... lesson, for want of a better word, did not provide me with sufficient data relating to how the murder victim might have felt.’

John was not sure how to respond to that, because his mind showed him a lot of very arousing but otherwise unhelpful scenarios which certainly would give Sherlock data on that matter. Luckily Sherlock had more to say.

‘I recall you saying that there are many ways of performing fellatio. And since the night he died was probably not the first time the victim was on the receiving end, the experience four days ago was not helpful to the case. I need more data, if you’d still be willing to help.’

Though everything in John was screaming ‘Yes, yes, God, yes! Please, can we start right now?’ he just blinked and turned back to his tea.

‘You want to make a regular... um, lesson... out of it?’

‘Only until I solve the case, of course. Would that be a problem?’

‘No, I suppose not.’ John again was amazed that these kinds of conversations seemed almost normal by now. Well, apart from the fact that he was battling an enormous erection.

There was a moment of silence. John turned back to Sherlock, who had not moved an inch. Now he slowly blinked. ‘Good.’

‘Are you free tonight?’ John managed to keep his face absolutely blank.

‘Yes.’ Sherlock’s face was equally blank. An outsider might have thought they were talking about language coaching.

‘Ok, this time I will teach you something about anticipation. Did you think about what would happen last time when you were at Barts?’

‘No, John. I was working.’ Of course he was...

‘Today I want you to think about it. Not instead of working, but every once in a while, maybe while waiting for someone or during a cab ride. Think about what I did and what it made you feel and think about what I might do tonight. Can you do that?’

Sherlock did not respond, just gave a short nod and then disappeared into the living room. Seconds later the door slammed shut.

John sank onto the nearest chair, for once not thinking about the sanitary aspect of the kitchen, and looked at his hands that still clenched his mug. They were perfectly still.

That day John was glad for the packed waiting room, because the anticipation concept of course worked both ways. So he welcomed the distraction of work and stayed a little longer than necessary.

When he came home, Sherlock was already there, pacing the floor in front of the sofa. John could spot that he was partially aroused.

‘You are late.’ Clearly the anticipation thing was working John thought, a little smug.

‘Sorry, there was a lot to do. I need tea. You want some?’

‘Is this already part of the lesson?’

‘It might be,' John said cryptically. He heard Sherlock flop down on the sofa.

After a few minutes John re-entered the living room, put their mugs on the table and shuffled Sherlock into a sitting position, before taking the place beside him.

Then he put his hand firmly on Sherlock’s leg, rubbing slow circles with his thumb. He felt a faint shiver run through Sherlock’s body, as if he had received an electric shock.

‘Tell me about the case. What do you already know?’

‘The victim clearly expected the visit of his killer; he prepared food and drinks and set the table with candles. The room was tidied, but not rid of private things, so not a first date.’

‘Was it a woman or a man?’ John moved his hand further up, stopping short of Sherlock’s groin. Sherlock took a deep breath.

‘Unclear. Could be a woman or a small man. The murderer was kneeling on the floor, but she or he wore trousers and shoes suitable for either sex. No lipstick on the glass and interestingly no fingerprints. Though the killer clearly could not have worn gloves the whole time, that would have been ridiculous.’

Sherlock’s eyes fell to John’s hand every so often.

'Well, there are certain sexual preferences where wearing gloves would not seem ridiculous.' John smiled and moved his hand slowly, sliding his fingers along the bulge in the other man’s pants until he reached the tip of the cock. He caressed it with his fingertips.

‘Can’t you tell if he was hetero- or homosexual?’

Sherlock shivered and closed his eyes.

‘There were no definite signs for either. He might be bisexual.’

‘Ask Lestrade for the autopsy report. That will help.’ John increased the pressure of his hand.

Sherlock sucked in a breath and his head fell back onto the sofa’s rest. John smiled. It was a good feeling to make someone as eloquent as Sherlock speechless. It was also really arousing. John shifted his position slightly to ease the tension that was building in his crotch.

'Now let's talk about something else.' He took his hand away.

‘John. I never figured you for a tease.' Sherlock opened his eyes and looked at him accusingly.

John laughed. 'Everything comes with a price, Sherlock. So, tell me: How come you never had a blowjob before? I mean, you had sex, right?’

'Yes John, of course I had sex before. But as I told you, relationships are not my area. I experimented with sexual practices, but for some reason or the other fellatio was never among them. And then I lost interest in the whole thing and dropped it.'

'You lost inter… How can you just drop it?'

Sherlock opened his mouth, but John suddenly decided that he did not want to know. He put his hand on Sherlock's knee and looked at the other man, whose eyes widened ever so slightly.

'You know what? Never mind. Let's get back to the case. You think it's likely that it went down like this: dinner, drinks, blowjob?'

'You don't? I thought this is why we are doing this whole anticipation thing.'

‘Well, he could have planned it that way. Or his date could just have decided to go down on him spontaneously, then of course there would have been no anticipation on his side.'

John slid his hand back up Sherlock's leg, this time caressing his balls through the fabric of his trousers.

'We need to take this into consideration as well then.' Sherlock's voice was a little breathless.

'Yeah, this will have to be something I arrange though.' John grinned.

'Why?' Starting to lose the ability to think. Very good.

'Because if it was a surprise to him, it needs to be a surprise for you as well.'

John's finger moved up again, finding the wet spot on the trousers that indicated the tip of Sherlock's oozing cock. He took his time circling it with his fingertip.

'John.' Sherlock suddenly grabbed his hand. ‘That is enough. I think I comprehend the anticipation part.’

John merely smiled and saw the understanding dawn in Sherlock’s eyes: he just lost the game.

‘Ok, let’s do this. But please remember: no more biting your own hand. You are allowed to make noises.’

‘John...’ Sherlock was clearly uncomfortable with this. Since he was still holding John’s hand, John squeezed Sherlock’s encouragingly.

‘I’m not asking you to add sound to a porno film. I’m just saying that you should stop trying to control yourself. It’s perfectly normal to be vocal. For most people it even heightens the experience.’

Sherlock was actively avoiding his gaze, so John dropped the matter.

‘Do you want to go upstairs and lie down or do you want to stay here?’

‘Here. Now.’ Sherlock was clenching and unclenching his hands unconsciously. ‘Please.’

‘Ok, just a second.’ John got up and turned off the lights. The moonlight was streaming into the room and bright enough for John to see Sherlock clearly. He was watching John like a cat, lips parted, breathing a little too fast.

John went back to the sofa and kneeled before Sherlock, gently parting the other man’s legs, and positioned himself between them. He stroked his hands up and down Sherlock’s legs and then lowered his head and bit softly into the left thigh, causing Sherlock to growl deep in his throat.

Sherlock’s whole body was tense and John felt that he was about to snap. So he quit the teasing and went straight for his flies, opening them and pulling trousers and pants down. Sherlock’s cock sprang free, softly bouncing, and already covered in pre-come. John took him in his hand and Sherlock’s head fell back, eyes fluttering closed.


John took the tip of Sherlock’s cock in his mouth, swirling his tongue, and started to stroke him with his hand simultaneously. Sherlock moaned loudly, then gasped as if shocked by his own sound. His hand went up to his face, but before John could act, the hand fell back. Since he did not seem to know what to do with it, John took the hand and placed it on his own head. For a moment it just lay there like a dead bird, then Sherlock weaved his fingers into John’s hair.

John started to suck and stroke with his fist until Sherlock was squirming beneath him and groaning uncontrollably. He made small thrusts with his hips, so John held him down by pressing his free arm across Sherlock’s stomach.

John was extremely turned on by the sounds Sherlock was making, but he tried to stay focused on what he was doing because he could feel Sherlock getting closer every second.

Then the hand in his hair suddenly clenched and he knew. He hollowed his cheeks and Sherlock shouted something unintelligible. For a few moments his body went rigid, then he started to shudder all over and John felt the hot fluid in his mouth. This time he swallowed and Sherlock gave a little sob that made John’s heart ache.

He kept licking and caressing until the last wave of Sherlock’s orgasm faded away. Then he pressed a kiss to Sherlock’s hip and smoothed his hands over his skin until the other stopped shivering and panting.

John rested his head on Sherlock’s leg and listened to his soft breathing. He waited for Sherlock to get alert again and storm off, but after a few minutes he realized that Sherlock was asleep.

John carefully pulled a blanket over the sleeping man and staggered towards the shower and his own glorious orgasm.

Next chapter here

AN: And the craziness goes on. ;) I don't think I'm very good at writing caseFic, so if the case does not make sense, I apologize. But that's not why you are here anyway, is it? :D

I am looking for a title for the series, any ideas? Please share in the comments or write me a PM.

This is only lightly beta'd, so every mistake you find is mine. But they are up for adoption if you want one!


fanfiction, character: sherlock holmes, science, humour, sherlock_bbc, teasing, blowjob, blow-by-blow, sex, love, character: john watson, orgasm, unresolved sexual tension

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