Title: The Sex Towels
Words: 1001
Rating: R
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Fill for
this kink meme prompt by
random_nexus. John institutes The Sex Towels. Once Sherlock gets used to the silly practice of the (maybe brightly colored or somehow distinctive for JUST THIS USE) towels, he then starts realizing that SEEING
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Comments 14
Happy to hear that you liked it and thanks for the heads up on the missing word! <3
Careless? Dear Sherlock, you know John, don’t you?
*grins - which by now is the Pavlovian reaction when seeing you have updated*
Won't even need the dryer 'cause the hot flash that caused should dry everything from sheer heat conduction.
(would thank you for helping me save energy but,*ice trays*)
Two itty-bitty oopsies?
This: "[Oh, the way John drools when he{takes}me into his mouth!]"
(god,that's a pretty image mmmmmm hmmm. *blinks* sorry um... )
And this: "Really John?,I feel like an incontinent old men{man}who is put to bed."
(*happy little day dream* of Multiple Sherlocks put to bed by John.)
MMMmmm!purrr. Sorry,sorry! {really,how does Choccolamousse concentrate?}
And:"As was John. Naked except for some caramel syrup and whipped cream."{that's not a typo but,horney toads, *Thank You* for that image.)
Sends a *smooch* to Random-Nexus and *smooches* Anarion too for this
Day Brightener!
How wonderful, it's an absolute gorgeous piece and I will have difficulties to see ramdon towels hanging around with the same innocence as before. LOve it when that happens, like fandom sneaking into your daily life. Yesss.
Thanks so much for this precious!
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