Title: The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
Words: 221
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
Previous 221b:
Go Bananas Today's prompt: cats
The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
When he was three years old Sherlock desperately wanted a pet.
One night Mycroft got woken up by a thunderstorm and went to look out of the window. He expected to see trees shaken by the wind, maybe a lightning bolt if he got lucky and the grass getting drowned by the water falling from the sky.
Imagine his shock when he saw his little brother standing in the middle of the lawn in his night gown, staring intently at the sky.
He grabbed his umbrella (a smaller version than the one he has now) and rushed out.
"Lock, what are you doing?"
So focused was the little one on watching the sky, that he didn’t even throw his usual tantrum at the nickname.
"Martha said that it’s going to rain cats and dogs tonight. I am really hoping to catch a cat. Will you help me?"
Mycroft quelled the sudden urge to hug Sherlock. Instead he kneeled down and explained the idiom before he convinced him to go back to bed. But he made a promise to himself that he would get his little brother a pet and if it was the last thing he did.
A few days later, Mycroft casually dropped something small, miaowing and black into Sherlock’s lap. Never before had he seen a smile this bright.
Next 221b:
Push Comes To Shove ------------------
Today's prompt was 'cats'.
Monday... back home... *sob*