Fic: 221B - Brand/new

Nov 13, 2013 21:21

Title: Brand/new
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by atlinmerrick. Day 353.

Previous 221b: Buttered up

Today's prompt:



Sherlock is a man of habit. He has a certain style of clothes, a refined way of working and an elaborated and sophisticated manner of speaking. He never changes any of these... might we say trademarks?... because they work and they help him to project the image that he wants other people to have of him.

But apparently he felt the need to change something recently, because he has a new favourite word which he uses whenever he feels the need to blatantly emphasize his superior intellect and which is driving everyone insane. Neither John nor Lestrade would ever admit to it, but they miss the snarky ‘obviously’ and Mycroft was so annoyed last week that he left without finishing his piece of Mrs Hudson cake.

No one knows where Sherlock picked it up or why he felt the need to use it at all. Everybody just hopes that he will stop eventually, preferably sooner rather than later.


He doesn’t stop, though.

So after a few weeks John decides that enough is enough. It takes Sherlock a while to react to John's snort that comes everytime he uses his new catchphrase.

“You are making fun of me.”

John grins and adopts Sherlock’s sentence with a little twist of his own.

“Yes, I am. I thought that was rather elementary, babe.”

Next 221b: On a knife edge

The prompt was 'elementary'.


221b, snarky sherlock, humour, sherlock_bbc, slash, hurt/comfort, lestrade, sophisticated title is sophisticated, prompt-fill, an almost gravitational pull, bamf!john, the coat, 365 days challenge, banter, sherlock/john

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