Seriously? I should just wear a shirt saying 'Yes, I write fanfiction. AND porn. Deal with it!'
I had to leave in a hurry this morning, so I just slammed my laptop shut, so it went to sleep mode. Then I checked my emails at work. I have this function that my emails are donwloaded to my computer when it is on. Suddenly all my emails disappeared before my eyes. Meaning someone at home woke my laptop up and it automatically downloaded all the emails.
I came home and yes, there they were. This means my flatmate used my laptop while I was away. Which is not a problem per se, but I had several tabs with porny fanfiction open. *ahem*
After the fiasco with my brother this is obviously a punishment for something I have done... *lol*
Oh and on a somewhat related note, I found the perfect notebook for my story ideas and porn in London:
On the back it says: Society isn't ready for my quirky worldview! *haha*