Nov 17, 2004 16:45
im so agitated...
ok yesterday.. i came home .. from skool.. on my way to my house from my bus stop.. fucking valary walks up to me all like wtf.. y r u saying shit about me again.. im like wth.. we dont even go to the same school.. wtf.. if u have a fucking problem with me still just say it and get it over with.. n then she punched me... i was like wtf.. so i of course puched back.. and we started fighting.. and she was all slapping me.. n im like u fight like a little bitch.. and we ended up on the ground... and she was bloody as hell... and my neighbors came to break it up...
after all of that... i get in the house.. my moms like wtf.. shes still messing with u.. n im like yea... n shes like nice lip.. u might want to put some ice on that.. n im like wut? n shes like go look in the mirror.. she busted the hell out of ur lip.. n im like shit!
so i go to look at my lip n im all wth.. so i put paper towles on it till it stoped bleeding.. and then i put pepper outside n played with him for a lil..
then brittnie came over.. and erics texting all like wtf happened..?
n then i called him to tell him so he didnt freak out...
n hes like r u ok? n im like fuck yea i can take that bitch anyday.. ive done it before i did it today... im no scared of her.. ive proved i can mess her up last year when i fought her after or before my b-day... when i broke her arm... she may be older than me and she may be taller than me.. but that obviously doesnt mean shit... i hate her so fucking much its not even funny...
anyways... then after a while when brit was over i asked my mom if she cared if me n brit got a ride to lindsays show with brits rents n she fucking blew up on me..? i was like wtf u said i could go n now i cant!
i was soooo pissed... im really sorry lindsay.. its not my fault i wasnt there.. but i feel really bad.. my moms a bitch...
n then after she yelled at me n brit... brit had to go home n baby-sit...
n i fell alsleep.. woke up n waited for eric to call... n when he did it made me feel way better than i was feeling earlier.. n yea..
eric is on a plane right now on his way home and im so fucking agitated.. i can barely sit.... its like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my lip hurts...
in chicago time he should be at the air port by 6:30.. theres a very small ass chance he might come over but i doubt it...
its all good though.. cuz the minute i see him.. omg im gonna scream n cry and hold on to him like my life is at stake... i swear to god... i miss him so fucking much... argh...
i shall see him soon..
he he...
well thats it for now...
lindsay im still soooooooo sorry...
12 days..!