May 03, 2005 13:48
I remember one day when I was visiting grandpa’s farm and I asked him about sex. He sort of smiled and said, “Maybe instead of telling you what sex is, why don’t we go to the horse pasture and I’ll show you.” So we did and there on the ground where my parents having sex. It wasn’t that surprising considering I had walked in on my mother and father “wrestling” a lot over the years, yep, my mom and dad, my mom and the mailman, my mom and the policeman who arrested daddy for drug use, they all liked to wrestle with mommy, she must be a really good “wrestler”…escalators, can they ever really break? No, they can only become stairs. You will never find an “Escalator Temporarily Out of Order” sign, just “Escalator Temporarily Stairs - Sorry for the convenience.” Technology is bitch like that, I think we should create a race of robots to do our everyday tasks for us, and treat them badly as an added bonus, for our enjoyment (You know what really pisses of a robot? Running up and kicking ‘em right in the ass…this also works on humans) Because robots don’t have feelings, and even if they rebel, they’re powered by the sun, which we could just destroy. Actually I hate technology. I don’t even own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang out with all of my friends, all of the time. Then when they need me, they just say, “Hey Randy!” and I’m like “What?” and then I turn my head in there general direction and wait…I would invite them to my house, if I had one…it would be great, we could just sit on the porch and just subjugate woman all day long, and to keep mosquito’s away, I would just hand a big bag of blood on my porch to distract them…and my stereo would be turned up full blast all the time, so if a cop trys to arrest me I can just be like, “Sorry I can’t hear you, the stereo is up way to loud!” Then if he tries put the cuffs on, I can just kill him, because no one will hear him, and I can always use more blood for the big bag of blood on my porch…
On my knees, sinking deep in need,
the sky has cryed, and the werlds will breed,
they'll eat the seeds, digest and clean,
then i'll plant our house, and build a tree...