Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2006 06:34

So, 2005 over and done with, and another year in the book of done. I've been entertaining myself alot recently by playing Guitar Hero (Merry belated Christmas everyone btw,) and I can tell you it's pretty dang hard once you get up to expert. I mean, my fingers are pretty fast (at least that's what she said,) but for some reason they won't co-operate THAT well. The solos in "Bark at the Moon" are insane, as well as other songs like "Crossroads," and a couple others. Other than that, just trying to entertain myself till the winter is over.

I am planning on a personal road trip this spring or summer, whenever I get enough money, to Ohio and Virginia to visit some friends that I've met before. I'm kind've excited about it really. I'm spending 2 days at Cedar Point, a day at Geauga Lake, and hopefully a day or so out further east, (we'll see about that second part *crosses fingers*.) I'm hoping to plan another trip in late summer/early fall, but it won't be as long (see: expensive,) as the first one. Probably just hit up Cedar Point or Geauga Lake again, that or go visit my friend's relatives in DC.

I got the job I've been trying to get for a few years now. I'm working Crowd Control for The Palace. My first day? Lynard Skynard... boy was that a rough show. The worst all year or so they say, but it didn't seem TOO bad. Eight people ended up being escorted out (by force,) one by me and my supervisor, and I can tell you one thing... don't EVER look a drunk skinhead in the eye, it just pisses him off like a bull seeing red. Unfortunately, normal psychology doesn't work on primates. Most of the night I was at doors, wanding people (eat that harry potter... I get paid to use a wand.) I can tell you one thing I'm going to hate about the job... single middle-aged women. I got felt up sooo many times I nearly cried. I know I'm going to end up earning the nickname "Boy Toy," as it seems to be what most of the patrons seem to call me. I need to get in a car accident or dunk my head in a chipper shredder to prevent that.

Tonight was the Jr/Sr High New Year's party, and I have to say it went extremely well. The funniest part is the joke we played on the kids. Since november, every kid had a chance to win "iPoints" depending on the different things they went to. Classes, dinners, lock-ins, and on New Year's we would hold a raffel to give away a 20gb iPod. Well, we worked that into a little lesson as well. "There is no iPod." It actually went off REALLY well. We got the reactions we were expecting (a little let down, but not angry,) and Mickey (a tiny kid who's parents keep fighting him about going to church,) actually got the message before we said it. something like, "It isn't about coming to get something, it's the things you do in the meantime, because there's something better that we've already got." Well, he said that and we revieled that there was an iPod, and held the raffle. Some kids had like 10 tickets, some 15, Mickey only had 4... and guess who won? MICKEY! I mean, if there ever was an interesting point to have every "I" dotted and evert "T" crossed by an event, that was one of them.

As you can tell, my life has gotten better despite the shit-storm I went through near the end of the summer. I can see now that if I would've ended up doing what I "wanted" to do at the moment, instead of what is really rewarding in the long run, my life would be absolute crap right now. Happy New Year everyone.
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