Fiction Ratings

Jul 06, 2008 11:58

Recently there have been one or two posts in Metafandom, concerning fiction ratings.

As my readers know, I own the Silent Hill Fanfiction Archive which is run off eFiction software. Many independent archives run eFic, like Marvel Fanfiction and Crossoverfic.

eFic, Fanfiction.Net and I'm sure others use the rating system from FictionRatings. So why can't we all?

Why do we do this? Because the MPAA is a bit stingy with their rating system, having sent fic archive C&D notices for using it.

Now, the fact that there is a rating system out there already confuses me as to why their is chatter about the 'problem'.

I suppose and argument could be made that it's a bit confusing. For example what does "K" stand for? My mind thinks "Kids". Is it something your 8 year old sister can read (watch) with you comfortably? Good, then it's rated K. Now here in Canada we already use "MA".

I guess I just don't understand that if their's a general concensus that boy/boy is called slash, and underage girls is called loli, then why can't K+ mean "9 or older"?


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